communication skills are still needed because they can affect employee performance. According to
Suhendro, et al (2022), effective communication can occur if the indicators that represent the
effectiveness of communication are met, namely the more understanding, enjoyment, changes in
attitudes, better relationships, and the more influence you can have, the more effective the
communication will be.
Work Coordination
The work coordination variable indicators consist of explain the process of slaughtering
animals; communicating work stages with related parties; carry out work relations procedures with
related parties in accordance with the objectives; identify work partners as needed; arranging the stages
of establishing a work network according to the agreement; develop work networks according to the
agreement; socialize aspects that build working networks to partners. The research results show
thatBefore assistance was provided, the majority of respondents did not know how to coordinate work
as a whole. After providing assistance, all respondents were able to coordinate work. Work coordination
is needed to unite differences of opinion encountered in the field to reach a common agreement. The
respondents were able to coordinate well in training assistance so that 85 of the 86 respondents were
declared to have passed competency certification. This is in accordance with Riyadi’s (2023) opinion
that good coordination will have an impact on efficiency, preventing an organization from spending
excessive costs, energy and materials and maintaining maximum output.
Sanitation Hygiene
The sanitation hygiene variable indicators consist of explain sanitation hygiene in accordance
with provisions; identify sanitation hygiene aspects in accordance with provisions; prepare the place,
tools and materials according to standards; carry out procedures and procedures for implementing
sanitation hygiene according to sanitation hygiene standards. The research results show that before
assistance was provided, the majority of respondents did not know about the implementation of
sanitation hygiene. Even though sanitation hygiene is also an important point in providing ASUH meat.
After providing assistance, all respondents were able to implement sanitation hygiene. Based on
PERMENKES Number 1096 of 2011 concerning Jasaboga Sanitation Hygiene, sanitary hygiene is an
effort to control risk factors for food contamination, whether originating from food, people, places and
equipment so that food is safe for consumption. There are six principles in implementing food sanitation
hygiene, among others 1) Selection of food ingredients, 2) Storage of food ingredients, 3) Food
processing, 4) Storage of finished/cooked food, 5) Transporting food and 6) Serving food.
Animal Welfare Principles
The principle variable indicators for animal welfare consist of explain the implementation of
animal welfare in accordance with animal welfare principles; identify the physical condition and
behavior of animals according to the type of animal; carry out animal inspection procedures in
accordance with animal welfare principles; identify the condition of facilities and infrastructure in
accordance with specified requirements; check the suitability of the environmental arrangement
according to the type of animal. The research results show that before assistance was provided, the
majority of respondents did not know the principles of animal welfare, which are indicators of checking
the suitability of environmental management according to the type of animal. However, after providing
assistance, all respondents were able to apply animal welfare principles. Halal slaughterers are required
to have competence not only from aspects of Islamic law, but also from technical aspects of veterinary
public health and animal welfare. Animal welfare is related to the behavior of officers towards
slaughtered animals which does not require slamming, using sharp knives so that the slaughtered animal