Research Sofiyanti et al., (2019) that the results of the Wilcoxon test obtained a p value =
0.018, so it was concluded that there were differences in prolactin hormone levels before and after
the application of hypnobreastfeeding to breastfeeding mothers in the Ungar Health Center Work
Area, in his research said that the way hypnobreastfeeding works is an increase in milk production
if anxiety and stress in breastfeeding mothers decrease. Hypnobreastfeeding can eliminate anxiety
and fear so that the mother can focus her mind on positive things and can increase the mother's
confidence and motivation. Hypnobreastfeeding can make breastfeeding mothers feel better and
confident in carrying out their role.
The advantages and benefits that can be obtained from the use of hypnosis in
hypnobreastfeeding is as a means of relaxation, the cost is relatively low because without the use
of drugs, the method used is relatively simple so that it is easily understood and practiced by many
people, including the subject, can be done alone by the subject (nursing mother) and is sufficiently
assisted by one therapist (midwife), can nourish elements of action, behavior, desire, passion,
motivation, initiative, bad habits, etc., as well as preparing mothers to succeed in breastfeeding and
preparing babies to become a healthy, intelligent and creative generation (Armini, 2016)
Likewise, with the application of lactation massage in nursing mothers, stimulation at an
acupoint point on a meridian pathway will be continued by large diameter A-Beta nerve fibers to
the spinal nerves which then in the spinal modulla there is a gelatinose substance working as a gate
control before being forwarded by efferent nerve fibers to transmission cells, transmission cells
channel to the central nervous system by decreasing taste Discomfort. This acupressure technique
stimulates the production of the hormone prolactin from the brain. This hormone affects a lot to
say the least ASI (Rahayu et al., 2015).
Based on the results of research by Vitriani, et al (2022), it was found that the average
increase in breast milk production with acupressure was 0.290 (SD = 0.5763), this method is one
of the recommendations for postpartum mothers who want to increase their milk production. The
same thing was also obtained from the results of Rahayu's research (2015) found that the volume
of breast milk in mothers who were given acupressure therapy and oxytocin massage was 250-400
ml, while those who were not given therapy were only <250 ml.
In this study, respondents also obtained knowledge about hypnobreastfeeding both with low
motivation as much as 35.3% and knowledge about lactation massage well with low motivation as
much as 41.17%. This shows that good knowledge with less motivation is influenced by several
factors, one of which is the level of education, where the majority of respondents are still educated
D-III Midwifery which is 47.5%, other factors that influence are physical factors and mental
processes where the level of education is high and has good knowledge compared to low education
but there is no encouragement from within him to apply it and is very influential to the actions he
will take (Tombokan & Purwandari, 2017). Previous research revealed that in people who did not
have motivation in themselves before, despite having good knowledge, there are still patients who
ignore taking medication regularly and never carry out the recommendations of doctors (Bertalina
& Purnama, 2016).
A person's knowledge is influenced by factors such as education level, experience, sources
of information, occupation, age and culture. Education is needed to get information such as things
that support health so that it can improve the health of life, the higher one's education the easier it
is to receive information so that the better the knowledge possessed, on the contrary less knowledge
will hinder the development of one's attitude towards newly introduced values because someone
with low education will find it difficult to receive messages, digest messages and information that
delivered so that the knowledge gained becomes less (Notoatmodjo, 2012). According to Jayasman,
(2013) a person's education level can affect his work motivation, meaning that the higher the