Jurnal Sosial dan Teknologi (SOSTECH)
Volume 1, Number 11, November 2021
p-ISSN 2774-5147 ; e-ISSN 2774-5155
How to cite:
Boy Piter Nizu Kekri
and Muhammad Fahmi
. (2021). Economic Facts of Sumatra and Kalimantan Islands for
10 Years. Jurnal Sosial dan Teknologi (SOSTECH), 1(11): 1.437-1.443
Published by:
Boy Piter Nizu Kekri
and Muhammad Fahmi
Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Cendrawasih, Indonesia
Publikasi Ilmiah, Green Publisher, Indonesia
and fahmimuhammad10[email protected]
Background: The formulation of this scientific research problem is what are the scientific facts
that can be obtained, for 10 years on the island of Sumatra and Kalimantan.
Research purposes: The purpose of this study is identifying scientific facts the direction and
pattern of economic growth that occurs on the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan.
Research methods: The researcher applied quantitative approach, along with descriptive
quantitative techniques.
Research results: The results of this research are, there are 2 patterns of economic growth on
the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan during these 10 years. The trend towards growth on
these two islands is, has a fluctuating tendency and has indications of a downward trend over
the past 10 years. Some special findings are: (1) Aceh Province is quite risky, because over the
past 10 years has historical economic growth movements that form the depth of the valley (can
be indicated recession), (2) East Kalimantan as many as 4 times over the last 10 years,
experiencing negative economic growth, (3) The plantation sector, through CPO exports is
able to have its own impact, on the economy of South Kalimantan in 2020. Specifically for
economic growth in 2020, it is a special record because of the overall economic growth of 10
provinces on the island of Sumatra and 5 provinces on the island of Kalimantan with negative
growth performance.
Conclusion: For Sumatra Island there are 2 different forms of patterns between provinces,
pattern 1: Aceh, Riau and Riau Islands. For the case of Aceh province is quite risky because
for the past 10 years, it has historical economic growth movements that can indicate recession.
Keywords: Economic Growth, Economic Facts, Sumatra Island, Kalimantan Island
Latar belakang: Rumusan masalah penelitian ilmiah inilah yang menjadi fakta ilmiah yang
dapat diperoleh, selama 10 tahun di Pulau Sumatera dan Kalimantan.
Tujuan penelitian: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi fakta ilmiah arah dan
pola pertumbuhan ekonomi yang terjadi di pulau Sumatera dan Kalimantan.
Metode penelitian: Peneliti menerapkan pendekatan kuantitatif, bersama dengan teknik
kuantitatif deskriptif.
Hasil penelitian: Hasil penelitian ini adalah, ada 2 pola pertumbuhan ekonomi di Pulau
Sumatera dan Kalimantan selama 10 tahun ini. Tren pertumbuhan di kedua pulau ini adalah,
memiliki kecenderungan berfluktuasi dan memiliki indikasi tren penurunan selama 10 tahun
terakhir. Beberapa temuan khusus adalah: (1) Provinsi Aceh cukup berisiko, karena selama 10
tahun terakhir memiliki pergerakan pertumbuhan ekonomi historis yang membentuk kedalaman
lembah (dapat diindikasikan resesi), (2) Kalimantan Timur sebanyak 4 kali selama 10 tahun
terakhir, mengalami pertumbuhan ekonomi negatif, (3) Sektor perkebunan, melalui ekspor
CPO mampu memiliki dampak tersendiri, perekonomian Kalimantan Selatan tahun 2020.
Khusus untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi pada tahun 2020, merupakan catatan khusus karena
pertumbuhan ekonomi secara keseluruhan dari 10 provinsi di Pulau Sumatera dan 5 provinsi di
Pulau Kalimantan dengan kinerja pertumbuhan negatif.
Kesimpulan: Untuk Pulau Sumatera ada 2 bentuk pola yang berbeda antar provinsi, pola 1:
Aceh, Riau dan Kepulauan Riau. Untuk kasus provinsi Aceh cukup berisiko karena selama 10
tahun terakhir, memiliki pergerakan pertumbuhan ekonomi historis yang dapat
mengindikasikan resesi.
Kata kunci: Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, Fakta Ekonomi, Pulau Sumatera, Pulau Kalimantan
Accepted: 24-10-2021; Revised: 29-10-2021; Approved: 14-11-2021
Economic Facts of Sumatra and Kalimantan Islands for
10 Years
Boy Piter Nizu Kekri
and Muhammad Fahmi
Economic growth is one of the macro indicators (Indayani & Hartono, 2020) which
can reveal the extent to which economic activity works in an area (Hellen et al., 2018). In
addition to the island of Java, there are 2 islands namely Sumatra and Kalimantan
(Rosmeli & Nurhayani, 2014). It has a considerable role in our national economy
(Kristiyanti, 2012). (Darmawan, 2020) noted that territorially, the foundations of national
economy based on the roles and contributions are firstly, Java Island (Sardini, 2011),
while the second and third are the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan (Nasruddin, 2013),
followed by the island of Sulawesi, then the island of Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and
lastly Papua.
Macro portrait of economic growth on the island of Sumatra in 2011 was within an
average of 6.33 percent (Jayanti, 2017), but in 2020 it contracted quite strongly to -1.25
percent (Nugroho & Muhyiddin, 2021). With the same pattern for the economic growth
of the island of Kalimantan (Fathurahman, 2019), in 2011 it was able to create growth in
the economic activity of 6.49 percent (Prasetyo, 2011). However, with the Covid-19
pandemic outbreak in early 2020 (Indayani & Hartono, 2020), it had a real impact on the
economic structure of Kalimantan Island to -1.79 percent.
This condition seems to be experienced by other islands and also, in general, the
Indonesian economy (Radar Bali, 2021). The current economic conditions, in which Bali
province is quite comfortable with economic growth, Bali is only able to grow -5.76
percent. (Gallyn, 2020). Informed that the conditions in 2020 will not be the same as the
previous year, when various domestic parties and International Institutions predicted that
the Indonesian economy in 2020 will experience a slowdown. Dhea et al., 2021, found
empirical facts in 2020, that Indonesia's economic growth was slowing down. One of the
causes is the limited international trade activity. Of course, slow economic growth will
have a broad impact on the financial aspects of the country. (Kekry, 2021) said that
regional economic growth is the essence of creating a source of regional income. Other
studies found that regional economic movements have a fairly strong relationship with
fiscal capacity.
Researchers are interested in uncovering what a portrait of growth looks like in 10
provinces on the island of Sumatra and 5 provinces on the island of Kalimantan. With
various factual expressions and empirical findings, the formulation of the problems raised
in this scientific research is what scientific facts can be obtained, based on the historical
economic conditions for 10 years on the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan. This
research generally aims to identify scientific facts of the direction and pattern of
economic growth that occurred on the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan throughout
2011-2020. This research pays attention to several theoretical frameworks, in the book
Microeconomic Theory (Wilson, 2007) economic variable relationships are important to
be found. Past phenomena can be used as a foothold in correcting mistakes and efforts to
stabilize future growth rates (Sadono, 2008). Economic growth reflects the movement of
economic activity, Then the movement should have an influence on income, welfare in a
certain period of time. (Todaro, 1998) states that the country's economic growth is
illustrated by the provision of goods for the people, by strengthening the ideological,
technological and institutional aspects.
The research focused on economic growth, with loci on the islands of Sumatra and
Kalimantan. Principally, this research was designed using quantitative approaches. In the
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book (Hardani dkk, 2020) Quantitative approaches actually emphasize views,
characteristics, and processes on variables and reveal patterns and relationships of the
observed objects. The main type of data needed was quantitative data with secondary data
sources. The dominant method of data collection applied in this study was the literature
study while the data analysis method used was a descriptive quantitative, According to
Willy et al. (2020), the process of data collection includes testing, and withdrawal of
issues. (Hardani et al. (2020) clarified that the process of finding symptoms, facts, and
phenomena will lead to the formulation of tables or figures that contain numerical data.
This is an effort to enrich the findings of scientific facts about the economy on the
island of Sumatra with its 10 provinces and the island of Kalimantan with its 5 provinces.
In general, the average PDRB value of Sumatra Island since 2011-2020 was around
Rp.196,363,618 trillion, while for the island of Kalimantan reaches an average value of
around Rp.16,795,762 trillion. In addition to the economic performance of the two
islands, the fact that the general public needs to know is that the islands of Sumatra and
Kalimantan play a big role in the national economy of both Java islands. The statement is
in line with the (BAPPENAS, 2020) Conveying growth and composition is still
dominated by the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan, (BPS, 2020) The role of the island
in the formation of GDP is Kalimantan and sumatra. The islands of Sumatra and
Kalimantan have a fairly important role for the performance of the national economy.
Historically recorded in the period of 2011-2015, the role of the two islands amounted to
22.25 percent and 9.31 percent, respectively. Similarly, in the period 2016-2020,
performance based on the island's contribution to the economy is still maintained,
sumatra island with a role value reaches 21.21 percent and Kalimantan island reaches a
value of 8.31 percent. That is a description of the economic performance of the two
islands, over the past 10 years. This is where the researchers are very interested,
specifically in what is happening to the two islands and what kind of scientific facts have
a significant effect on the national economy. It is expected to be useful for other islands
such as Bali and Nusa Tenggara, Maluku Papua, and Sulawesi.
Based on the average performance of the PDRB of Sumatra island in 2011-2021 as
much as Rp.196,363,618 trillion and Kalimantan island reached Rp.16,795,762 Trillion,
researchers are trying to find patterns of economic growth in each province on both
Picture 1. Economic Growth Pattern of Aceh, Riau, and Kep.Riau Provinces 2011-2020.
Description: Blue Line (Actual Economic Growth), Red Line (Moving Average). Source:
Processed Data, Researchers 2021.
These three provinces have a similar pattern of economic growth, compared to
other provinces on the island of Sumatra. Aceh province experienced 2 times negative
Economic Facts of Sumatra and Kalimantan Islands for
10 Years
Boy Piter Nizu Kekri
and Muhammad Fahmi
economic growth over 10 years, in addition to 2011-2014 consecutively formed an
economic valley, in 2015 it was the deepest valley -0.73 percent. Riau province in 2015
experienced economic sluggishness to reach 0.22 percent and throughout the period
2016-2020 tried to make an economic recovery but a little slow, until 2020 when they
created the deepest valley -1.12 percent. As for Riau Islands Province, in 2011-2016 it
was quite stable in maintaining economic activity, but in 2017 experienced a slight
correction of growth movements of about 1.98 percent and in 2020 it was enough to reach
-3.80 percent when compared to the average movement. This condition made Riau
Islands Province entitled with the largest negative economic growth for 10 years in
Sumatra. This condition is in line with empirical results. Justyanita et al. (2021) stated
that the decline in economic performance was caused by the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak
that has a real impact on the economic structure and the city of Batam becomes a fairly
central leverage in its role in the economy of Riau Province.
Picture 2. Economic Growth Pattern of North Sumatra Province, West Sumatra, and
Bangka Belitung Islands in 2011-2020. Description: Blue Line (Actual
Economic Growth), Red Line (Moving Average). Source: Processed Data,
Researchers 2021.
Quite different from the pattern of economic growth in figure 1, In which the
economy of North Sumatra Province was quite maintained throughout 2011-2019, the
condition was the same as the West Sumatra. These two provinces experienced negative
economic growth in 2020, in which North Sumatra with a figure of -1.07 percent while
West Sumatra reached -1.60 percent. They had a pattern that tends to be similar, but
different from economic facts in Bangka Belitung in 2018-2019 that consistently
experienced sluggish economic activity until in 2020 reached a negative establishment
rate of -2.30 percent. This condition made the province of Bangka Belitung islands have
the second largest negative economic growth after the Riau Islands for 10 years on the
island of Sumatra. This fact is reinforced by the results of research by Shodiqin (2019)
which stated that there are 3 business fields that have a major role in the PDRB of
Bangka Belitung. However, in 2020, with the COVID-19 outbreak, only 2 sectors had a
negative growth impact. This is what impacted on the economic growth conditions of the
Bangka Belitung in 2020.
Picture 3. Economic Growth Pattern of Lampung, Bengkulu, and South Sumatra
Provinces in 2011-2020. Description: Blue Line (Actual Economic Growth),
Red Line (Moving Average). Source: Processed Data, Researchers 2021.
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Economic growth patterns in Lampung, Bengkulu and South Sumatra provinces in
2011-2020 appear to have the same tendency as the pattern in Figure 2. The economic
fact of Lampung and Bengkulu provinces throughout 2011-2019 looks quite stable even
though there were certain years of decline of several points, both only experiencing
negative growth in 2020. Lampung Province reached -1.67 percent, while Bengkulu
province only -0.02 percent. Thus, Bengkulu was able to maintain its economic growth
performance compared to other provinces.
In Sumatra, the mentioned condition is strengthened by (Bank Indonesia, 2021),
Although there was a decline in the economy in all sectors, there was a role that is still
growing positively, namely in terms of government consumption and LNPRT
consumption. Based on this, it can be indicated that the economic performance of
Bengkulu was strengthened in terms of consumption GDP.
The following figures will display scientific images and facts originating from the
island of Kalimantan.
Picture 4. Economic Growth Pattern of West Kalimantan Province, Central Kalimantan,
South Kalimantan in 2011-2020. Description: Blue Line (Actual Economic
Growth), Red Line (Moving Average). Source: Processed Data, Researchers
It turns out that the provinces of West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, and South
Kalimantan have a tendency to form the same economic growth pattern as Figures 2 and
3 belonging to Sumatra. The fact that economic growth in West Kalimantan province,
quite maintained throughout 2011-2019, only experienced negative growth in 2020
reaching -1.82 percent. As for Central Kalimantan, it had a similar pattern but also a high
fluctuating tendency throughout 2011-2019. Meanwhile in 2020 the same experienced
negative growth of -1.40 percent. This is the smallest compared to other provinces on the
island of Kalimantan. This fact is supported by information from the island of
Kalimantan (Lydia, 2020) Despite the economic sluggishness, it turns out that CPO
exports are one of the saviors of economic structure in Central Kalimantan province. As
for economic facts in the province of South Kalimantan, it had a trend pattern with Figure
1, especially in 2015, but not as deep as the valley that occured in Sumatra. The recovery
continued throughout 2016-2019, but with various challenges in 2020 experienced
negative growth reaching -1.81 percent.
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Economic Facts of Sumatra and Kalimantan Islands for
10 Years
Boy Piter Nizu Kekri
and Muhammad Fahmi
Picture 5. Economic Growth Pattern of East Kalimantan Province, North Kalimantan in
2011-2020. Description: Blue Line (Actual Economic Growth), Red Line
(Moving Average). Source: Processed Data, Researchers 2021.
In contrast to the fact that economic growth in East Kalimantan as much as 4 times
throughout 2011-2020, it experienced negative economic growth, in 2013 experienced
negative growth of -6.62 percent. This formed a steep economic valley compared to other
provinces. In addition, the economic strength of East Kalimantan province looks unable
to create economic recovery throughout 2014-2019. Thus, in 2020, East Kalimantan was
tested again, obtaining negative economic growth of -2.85 percent. This fact was made
clear by empirical findings by Muhammad (2021) who stated that the economic turmoil
that occurred in East Kalimantan province was caused by some fairly strong contraction
in several major sectors, such as mining and processing. On the other hand, related to
historical technical data, only 7 years (2014-2020), for data 2011-2013 is not available.
This relates to the formation of North Kalimantan. The fact of North Kalimantan that can
be obtained is that the economic movement is less stable throughout 2014-2019. Due to
the burdensome conditions that in 2020, there was negative growth of -1.11 percent.
Focused on the formulation of the objectives of this research, to reveal scientific
facts based on the direction and pattern of economic growth on the islands of Sumatra
and Kalimantan. Some general conclusions that can be conveyed include (1) Sumatra
Island: there are 2 different forms of patterns between provinces, (Pattern 1: Aceh, Riau,
and Riau Islands), for the case of Aceh province, it is quite risky, because for 10 years
recently has a history of economic growth movements that form a deep valley (may
indicate a recession). Meanwhile, the Riau Islands received an award in 2020, with the
largest negative economic growth in 10 years on the island of Sumatra. Overall, the
province's economic growth (Pattern.1) has fluctuating characteristics, but in the event of
economic recovery, it cannot last long and has a downward direction. (Pattern 2: North
Sumatra, West Sumatra, Bangka Belitung Islands, Lampung, Bengkulu, and South
Sumatra), the province as a whole has consistency in maintaining economic movement in
2011-2019, with developments in South Sumatra where there is a correction in economic
growth in Indonesia. years 2011-2019 2015. In addition, Bengkulu province in 2020, was
able to maintain its economic growth performance compared to other provinces on the
island of Sumatra. All provinces (Pattern.2), have the characteristics of fairly stable
economic growth, with some short-term fluctuations. (2) Kalimantan Island: For
(Pattern.1 East Kalimantan, North Kalimantan), East Kalimantan 4 times during 2011-
2020, experienced negative economic growth. (Pattern 2: West Kalimantan, Central
Kalimantan, South Kalimantan), the case of Central Kalimantan, has a high fluctuating
trend during 2011-2019, besides that there is a lesson that the plantation sector, through
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CPO exports, can have its impact on the economy of South Kalimantan. 2020. Likewise,
it has the characteristics of stable economic growth, with some short-term fluctuations.
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