Jurnal Sosial dan Teknologi (SOSTECH)
Volume 1, Number 12, December 2021
p-ISSN 2774-5147 ; e-ISSN 2774-5155
How to cite:
Juni Ahyar
, T. Edyansyah
and Ikramuddin
. (2021). Online Learning Strategies For Indonesian Language
Teachers in Improving Student Learning Effectiveness in Class VII SMP Negeri Lhokseumawe. Jurnal Sosial
dan Teknologi (SOSTECH), 1(12): 1.526-1.535
Published by:
Juni Ahyar
, T. Edyansyah
and Ikramuddin
Universitas Malikussaleh, Indonesia
1, 2 dan 3
Background: Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, there appears to be a major shift in learning
processes at all levels of education. Online learning is a teaching activity carried out through
virtual videos without face to face and using internet technology. The importance of the teacher's
method in the online learning process cannot be isolated from the emergence of numerous
hurdles experienced by students in this study. Particularly in Indonesian language subject, where
these subjects are already well-known for containing a great deal of theory and narrative.
Teachers must utilize proper tactics when teaching, especially in Indonesian subject, to make the
teaching and learning process effective and not boring.
Research purposes: This research aims to the most popular Indonesian language tactics
employed in the online learning process in Indonesia, to describe how the teacher has
implemented Indonesian tactics to improve the effectiveness of the online learning process in
Indonesian class VII subjects in junior high school, and to discuss the Indonesian language
barriers that teachers experience while teaching online.
Research methods: A qualitative research approach was employed with the type of case study
research to attain the desired aims. The Indonesian class teacher was a crucial component.
Interviews, observation, and documentation were utilized to obtain data. By removing extraneous
data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions, the data was evaluated.
Research result: The learning system has shifted from face to face to online, then gave rise to
various responses and obstacles as well as changes in learning models in Indonesia, including
teachers who directly deal with students. Several teachers and students experience problems
when carrying out online learning including New and unfamiliar learning applications, limited
internet data, learning management, assessment, and supervision that is not optimal.
Conclusion: The learning method is also adapted to this online period so that learning activities
remain effective even though behind it there are many shortcomings. From the whole method, the
researchers conclude that the method that is mostly used by the teacher council is by providing
learning materials through Whatsapp groups, using Google Classroom, and for students who do
not understand or are less capable in the field of technology, they can come directly to the school.
This is also enforced so that students continue to receive materials during the school period. In
addition, the teachers give tolerance to every student who is late in collecting assignments
because during the pandemic there are certainly many obstacles experienced by students.
Kata kunci: Teacher Strategy, Learning Effectiveness, Indonesian Language Learning
Latar belakang: Akibat pandemi Covid-19, tampak terjadi pergeseran besar dalam proses
pembelajaran di semua jenjang pendidikan. Pentingnya metode guru dalam proses pembelajaran
online tidak terlepas dari munculnya berbagai kendala yang dialami siswa dalam penelitian ini.
Khususnya dalam disiplin ilmu di Indonesia, di mana mata pelajaran ini sudah terkenal banyak
mengandung teori dan narasi. Guru harus menggunakan taktik yang tepat saat mengajar,
khususnya mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia, agar proses belajar mengajar efektif dan tidak
Tujuan penelitian: Mendeskripsikan taktik bahasa Indonesia yang paling populer digunakan
dalam proses pembelajaran online di Indonesia, mendeskripsikan bagaimana guru menerapkan
taktik bahasa Indonesia untuk meningkatkan efektivitas proses pembelajaran online pada mata
pelajaran bahasa Indonesia kelas VII di SMP, membahas bahasa Indonesia hambatan yang
dialami guru saat mengajar online.
Online Learning Strategies For Indonesian Language
Teachers in Improving Student Learning Effectiveness in
Class VII SMP Negeri Lhokseumawe
Juni Ahyar
, T. Edyansyah
and Ikramuddin
Metode penelitian: Pendekatan penelitian kualitatif digunakan dengan jenis penelitian studi
kasus untuk mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan. Guru kelas bahasa Indonesia merupakan
komponen yang sangat penting. Wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi digunakan untuk
memperoleh data. Dengan menghapus data asing, menyajikan data, dan menarik kesimpulan,
data dievaluasi
Hasil penelitian: Sistem pembelajaran dari tatap muka menjadi daring yang terjadi secara
mendadak, kemudian memunculkan berbagai macam respon dan kendala serta perubahan model
pembelajaran bagi dunia Pendidikan di Indonesia, tak terkecuali guru yang merupakan ujung
tombak pendidikan yang langsung berhadapan dengan siswa. Sejumlah guru dan siswa
mengalami kendala ketika melaksanakan pembelajaran daring diantaranya aplikasi pembelajaran
yang baru dan belum dimengerti, kuota internet yang terbatas, pengelolaan pembelajaran,
penilaian, dan pengawasan yang kurang maksimal.
Kesimpulan: Metode pembelajaran pun di sesuaikan dengan masa daring ini supaya
pembelajaran tetap efektif walaupun dibaliknya terdapat banyak kekurangan. Dari keseluruhan
metode, peneliti dapat mengambil kesimpulan bahwa, metode yang banyak dilakukan oleh para
dewan guru yaitu dengan cara memberikan materi pembelajaran melalui grup whatsapp,
menggunakan google classroom, serta bagi siswa/i yang kurang paham ataupun kurang mampu
dalam bidang teknologi dapat langsung datang ke sekolah mereka masing-masing untuk
mendapatkan pembelajaran secara langsung. Hal ini pula diberlakukan supaya siswa/i yang tetap
menerima materi selama masa sekolah berlangsung. Selain itu para guru memberikan toleransi
kepada setiap siswa yang terlambat dalam melakukan pengumpulan tugas, karena pasti selama
pandemi sangat banyak halangan dan rintangan yang dialami oleh para siswa.
Kata kunci: Strategi Guru, Efektivitas Pembelajaran, Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia
Diterima: 26-11-2021; Direvisi: 28-11-2021; Disetujui: 14-11-2021
Education is an institution that is intentionally organized to pass on and develop
knowledge (Watkins et al., 2011), skills and expertise by the older generation to the next
generation (Mellander & Florida, 2021). Through education people try to improve their
level of life (Finlay et al., 2021). There is a strong relationship between a person's level of
education with the level of social life (Stinson, 2021). If a person's education advances, of
course his life will progress and vice versa (Elumalai et al., 2021).
The main objective of learning is to equip students with abilities (Ibrahem &
Alamro, 2021). Educators are one of the human components in the teaching (Howell &
Mikeska, 2021) and learning process that play a role in efforts to form potential human
resources in the field of development (Bremner & Schwartz, 2021). Therefore, teachers
who are one element in the field of education must play an active role (Masyhum, 2021)
and place their position as professionals, in accordance with the demands of a growing
society (Garcia et al., 2021). In a special sense, it can be interpreted that the teacher has a
responsibility to bring his students to maturity or at a certain level of maturity
(Pomerance, 2021). In this context, the teacher is not solely a teacher (transfer of
knowledge), but also as an educator (transfer of values), and at the same time as a mentor
who provides direction and determines students in learning (Top et al., 2021). In order to
carry out their duties, professional teachers must have various competencies (Guillén-
Gámez et al., 2021). The competencies of professional teachers include: the ability to
develop students' personal, especially intellectual abilities, and to bring students to
become members of a unified Indonesian society based on Pancasila. For this purpose, it
is necessary "Every student in every educational unit has the right to receive religious
education in accordance with the religion he adheres to and taught by educators of the
same religion".
Vol. 1, No. 12, pp. 1.526-1.535, December 2021
1.528 http://sostech.greenvest.co.id
The implementation of education that occurs in the classroom by the teacher must
be effective and efficient so that the teaching and learning process becomes a pleasant
process. To be able to create fun teaching and learning activities, a teacher must be able
to manage teaching and learning activities in the classroom. The management of teaching
and learning activities is an effort made by the teacher so that the learning process can run
well and smoothly. The success of the teacher in carrying out teaching and learning
activities cannot be separated from how the teacher manages the learning carried out so
that students can achieve an optimal level of ability in accordance with the expected
goals. Teaching and learning management is an important element of teacher competence
and must be implemented because teaching and learning management is needed in
learning activities. Before the teaching and learning process takes place, a teacher should
functionally master the teaching system approach, method procedures, teaching
techniques, master in depth and structured teaching materials and be able to plan the use
of teaching facilities. Therefore, to achieve the desired educational goals, teachers are
expected to have several efforts that can increase student effectiveness. Thus, education
will run in accordance with the national goals that have been outlined in the 1945
Constitution, namely "to educate the life of the nation".
The creation of a developed nation is supported by educated citizens. Hence this
task cannot be carried out by just anyone without having expertise as a teacher because
the success or failure of student education is very dependent on the responsibility of the
teacher in carrying out his duties and functions, as expressed by Uzer Usman, that the
more accurately teachers carry out their functions, the more secure, created and the
development of one's readiness and reliability as a human development. In other words,
the portraits and faces of the nation in the future are reflected in the portraits of today's
The Indonesian language subject emphasizes the cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor descriptions needed to make students active, critical, civilized, and aware as
citizens who can play a role in a multicultural, socialist and tolerant society. This needs to
be prioritized in order to achieve a prosperous and harmonious society. The scope of
Indonesian language learning is society, economic, social activities among each other
which is nothing but what is experienced in the life of the community around us.
Focus learning strategies that are carried out by teachers are not only giving and
mastering theory, but also paying attention to life skills for students. Learning strategies
can be carried out by describing various activities, involving students directly, making
students more active and responsive. Learning strategies can provide a different learning
experience for students with life skills to solve problems in the school, home, and
community environment. Appropriate learning strategies and support from the school
environment, community, and family will create an effective learning atmosphere so that
students are active and creative.
As the result of the pandemic since the outbreak of the pandemic caused by the
Corona virus in Indonesia (Zaharah et al., 2020), the government has taken many ways to
prevent its spread (Galbadage et al., 2020). One of them is through a circular letter from
the Ministry of Education (Azzahra, 2020) and Culture (Kemendikbud) Directorate of
Higher Education No. 1 of 2020 regarding the prevention of the spread of Corona Virus
Disease (Covid-19) in schools. Through this circular, the Ministry of Education and
Culture gave instructions to schools to conduct distance learning and advised students to
study from their homes (Pragholapati, 2020).
Since the outbreak of the pandemic as a result of the pandemic outbreak of the
Corona virus (Covid-19) has caused various panics, one of which is in education. Schools
have to lay off teachers and students. Classes which normally are mostly conducted face-
Online Learning Strategies For Indonesian Language
Teachers in Improving Student Learning Effectiveness in
Class VII SMP Negeri Lhokseumawe
Juni Ahyar
, T. Edyansyah
and Ikramuddin
to-face must change the format to online learning. In Indonesia, the world of education is
a very fast group and the first to make a decision to apply online learning as an
application of the form of Social Distancing. These actions and attitudes need to be
appreciated. Moreover, the future of the country is in the hands of three generations in
technological development called (1) the Millennial generation, (2) Generation Z, and (3)
Generation Alpha. Thus, education in Indonesia needs to be heartened regarding the
online learning system that has been set by the current government. The form of
information technology development that can be used as a learning medium is online
learning. Online learning is an innovation that can be utilized in the learning process, not
only in the delivery of learning materials but also changes in the abilities of various
student competencies. Through learning, students not only listen to the description of the
material from the teacher but also actively observe, perform, demonstrate, and so on.
Teaching materials can be virtualized in various formats so that they are more interesting
and more dynamic to motivate students to go further in the learning process. Research
purposes is to describe the most popular Indonesian language tactics employed in the
online learning process in Indonesia, to describe how the teacher has implemented
Indonesian tactics to improve the effectiveness of the online learning process in
Indonesian class VII subjects in junior high school, and to discuss the Indonesian
language barriers that teachers experience while teaching online.
The research, entitled the strategy of Indonesian language teachers in increasing the
effectiveness of learning in Indonesian subjects for class VII students at SMPN
Lhokseumawe City, used qualitative descriptive research. Researchers used qualitative
research because process of this research was mostly done in the field and direct
observation. In this qualitative research, the data collected are generally in the form of
words, pictures. The location of this research was all Junior High Schools (SMP) in the
Lhokseumawe City area. As a sample, there were about 10 Junior High Schools (SMP) in
Lhokseumawe City, and six schools as samples. The instruments used in this study were
observation sheets, questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. Data collection was
done by using a non-test technique. The non-test techniques were in the form of
observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation studies. Techniques of
observation, interviews, and documentation studies were used to see how the learning
models were applied by the teacher in the learning process. After the required data had
been been collected, the next stage was data analysis. The researcher will explain the
research data so that conclusions can be drawn from the data.
In this study, researchers chose secondary schools in the Lhokseumawe city area,
both public and private schools because they were smaller in scope and easily accessible
because there was no need to travel far from campus. Besides that, other reasons are the
problem of time and mobility which are considered easy to take and not disturbing
during the researcher's lecture process. For that reason, we chose schools around the city
of Lhokseumawe, because we also saw that there were many differences and various
methods and models were used in each school.
Most of the informants his studied were Indonesian language teachers who were
still actively teaching at SMP Negeri Lhokseumawe. At the time of the research day,
many of the informants were also teaching from their chosen online application, be it
Google Classroom, Zoom and so on. We found many methods in the field and different
Vol. 1, No. 12, pp. 1.526-1.535, December 2021
1.530 http://sostech.greenvest.co.id
ways of implementing them. To obtain accurate data, the researchers used the method of
observation and interviews. The researchers occasionally participated in seeing and
following all the online teaching activities of the teacher council. The schools in this
study were 10 schools, Lhokseumawe City State Junior High School. With this number
of schools, researchers have done as much as possible to get as much information as
needed. The population identified is all teachers with Indonesian subjects, because the
resource persons needed are Indonesian language teachers who know and directly
participate in online learning. The resource person or informant is a very important
research subject, so in this study the real name of the informant is deliberately displayed
because for the approval from both parties. Questions asked during the process of
observation and interviews. Broadly speaking, the questions we gave to each source
were the same.
Based on the results of interviews that have been conducted, it is known that
applying the online learning method directly is the initial stage carried out by each
school included in the object of this interview. There are various ways for teachers to
present material to students. “Making outreach in advance about online learning is our
way of informing students about what is happening right now”. Tere are also resource
persons who argue that "we immediately created a study group on WhatsApp by
combining all classes to make learning easier. From the results of interviews with
resource persons, there is the same method used to continue the teaching and learning
process, namely by learning online using assistance applications such as WhatsApp,
Zoom, Google Meet, and so on.
Questions we asked when conducting the observation and interview procession. In
detail, the following is the interview data with the teacher councils (resources) based on
the schools that have been determined, including the following:
1. Ajizah, S.Pd and Intan Nurmalasari, S.Pd
He is a teacher who serves as an Indonesian language teacher at SMP Negeri 1
Lhokseumawe. In the interview process, The researchers asked 10 questions related to
online learning models applied to SMP Negeri 1 Lhokseumawe, here are the questions
and answers from the interviewees:
1) What strategies do you do during online learning?
Response: The strategy that I do during online learning is to provide video material via
whatshaap and then allow the child to ask questions if there is something they don't
understand or understand.
2) Are online learning methods/learning more effective for students and teachers?
Response: For us, online learning teachers are currently less effective because we lack
communication with students. As for the students themselves, online learning is currently
widely preferred because children prefer to study at home rather than at school.
3) How is the teaching method used by the teacher council during this pandemic?
Response: There is a notification from the education office. There is a shortening of time
in the syllabus during the current online learning.
4) How is the ability to master Indonesian language subject matter by class VII students
as long as you apply this online learning strategy?
Response: The ability of students is different, some understand the material provided and
some students do not understand it at all and their parents help or do their work at home
during online learning currently taking place.
5) How do you teachers improve the effectiveness of student learning in the midst of this
Covid19 pandemic? Especially for teacher and student councils to adapt to online
Online Learning Strategies For Indonesian Language
Teachers in Improving Student Learning Effectiveness in
Class VII SMP Negeri Lhokseumawe
Juni Ahyar
, T. Edyansyah
and Ikramuddin
Response: My way to increase the effectiveness of student learning in the midst of the
current covid-19 pandemic is by controlling children. If there is a child who does not
understand then he can ask and I will answer the question.
6) Is the attendance and assessment process for students also done online during the
Response: The attendance process is done online during the current online learning
process via whatshaap, and I will record anyone who is present.
7) How do students respond to the current online learning method?
Response: The response of students to online learning is that they prefer online learning
compared to face-to-face learning because they prefer to study at home than face-to-face
learning at school.
8) Can online or offline methods improve Indonesian language learning towards
students' assessments, both final assessments and other assessments?
Response: The online method can improve Indonesian language learning because
through online children are assisted by their parents in doing assignments so that
students' grades are good.
9) What obstacles do you face when teaching online? Given that technology is being
intensively developed and also increasingly sophisticated if there is one student who is
less able to operate in their gadgets or devices, is there a way from the school to respond
to this?
Response: From the school in responding to children who do not have mobile phones in
online learning, the child is told to come directly to school and take part in face-to-face
learning with the teacher. As well as assignments are still given but done at home.
10) As an Indonesian teacher, what are the advantages and disadvantages you feel when
this online learning method is implemented?
Response:The advantages of doing online learning at this time I feel there are no
advantages. -The weakness that I feel during online learning at this time is that many
children are not focused and there are also children who do not do the tasks that have
been given by the teacher. As well as many children who are late in collecting the
assignments that have been given.
2. Suheri, S.Pd
He is a teacher who serves as an Indonesian language teacher at SMP Negeri 3
Lhokseumawe. In the interview process, The researchers asked 10 questions related to
the learning models applied at SMP Negeri 3 Lhokseumawe, here are the questions and
answers from the interviewees:
1) What strategies do you do during online learning?
Response: The strategy used is to use android, so I as an Indonesian teacher provide a
lesson from the group that we have created. After that the students repeat it at home, for
those who are constrained by gadget problems, we give tolerance in collecting
assignments, they can take their assignments by coming to school, so it doesn't matter
being late, the most important thing is to collect them.
2) Are online learning methods/learning more effective for students and teachers?
Response: Very ineffective, because of this online learning we can't fully control the
students, so we can't see their understanding directly.
Vol. 1, No. 12, pp. 1.526-1.535, December 2021
1.532 http://sostech.greenvest.co.id
3) Does the Education office provide notification of changes to the syllabus or lesson
plans regarding learning models or methods to adapt learning during the pandemic?
Response: There is no training on how we deliver material, when a pandemic occurs we
take the initiative to adapt it to existing conditions.
4) How is the ability to master Indonesian language subject matter by class VII students
as long as you apply this online learning strategy?
Response: In my opinion, the mastery of learning materials is below 50%, because
through the online method the application is very limited, maybe some can understand
but the percentage is very small.
5) How do you teachers improve the effectiveness of student learning in the midst of this
Covid19 pandemic? Especially for teacher and student councils to adapt to online
Response: So during the pandemic there is no special way, so we teachers immediately
adjust to the conditions. But if I personally as an Indonesian language teacher, I often
tell stories, because for me learning Indonesian requires many stories, then from these
stories students determine good writing, sentences and words in the stories that have
been given.
6) Is the attendance process and student assessment also done online during the
Response: The assessment is still being carried out, so attendance is more of an
assignment collection, so every student who has finished working on an assignment is
considered to be present.
7) How do students respond to the current online learning method?
Response: During the pandemic there were those who complained maybe because
during learning from home they did not get the maximum knowledge they should. But
there were also those who were happy maybe because they got a lot of free time and
could be used to play.
8) Can online or offline methods improve Indonesian language learning towards
students' assessments, both final assessments and other assessments?
Response: According to you, if online there is no improvement, it is even more of a
setback, because if students are given material it is easy to forget, one of the factors may
be because in this gadget there must be a game, so when you study for 1 hour you will
get bored and switch to games on gadgets.
9) What obstacles do you face when teaching online? Given that technology is being
intensively developed and also increasingly sophisticated if there is one student who is
less able to operate in their gadgets or devices, is there a way from the school to respond
to this?
Response: I think the obstacle is the quota, if we use it, we can provide information and
we can teach each other how to use it, but the small internet quota is the main factor.
10) As an Indonesian teacher, what are the advantages and disadvantages you feel when
this online learning method is implemented?
Response: The drawback in explaining is very limited, because Indonesian really needs
to provide stories and explanations in each material so that it is easily understood by
3. Ainun Mardiah, S.Pd
He is a teacher who teaches Indonesian at SMP Negeri 7 Lhokseumawe. In the interview
process. The researchers gave 10 questions related to the learning models applied at
SMP Negeri 7 Lhokseumawe, here are the questions and answers from the resource
1) What strategies do you do during online learning?
Online Learning Strategies For Indonesian Language
Teachers in Improving Student Learning Effectiveness in
Class VII SMP Negeri Lhokseumawe
Juni Ahyar
, T. Edyansyah
and Ikramuddin
Response: The strategy is to use social media such as WhatsApp, so every task is sent via
the WhatsApp group, besides that we also use other platforms such as Google
Classroom. Unfortunately, the learning system does not use the zoom application, so
communication between teachers and students is very limited.
2) Are online learning methods/learning more effective for students and teachers?
Response: According to you, it is very ineffective, because of the lack of student
participation in learning, as a teacher, you hope to be able to do a face-to-face learning
system, even though face to-face is more tired, but there is a sense of satisfaction in
3) Does the Education office provide notification of changes to the syllabus or lesson
plans regarding learning models or methods to adapt learning during the pandemic?
Response: There was no training, so at the beginning of the pandemic we immediately
adjusted to the existing conditions.
4) How is the ability to master Indonesian language subject matter by class VII students
as long as you apply this online learning strategy?
Response: For their own abilities, many can do it, because as long as they are given
questions, their answers are always correct, maybe because of the ease with which they
can access answers from the internet, but I am not sure about their understanding in
every answer they answer.
5) How do you teachers improve the effectiveness of student learning in the midst of this
Covid19 pandemic? Especially for teacher and student councils to adapt to online
Response: Mother always provides information through whatsaap groups about learning
materials and schedules, Mother also does not forget to always provide learning
motivation to all students so that they are always enthusiastic about learning and
working on assignments even though learning is carried out in the midst of a pandemic.
6) Is the attendance process and student assessment also done online during the
Response: The routine attendance process is carried out, but we give tolerance to every
student who is not absent in the schedule listed, perhaps due to limitations and tolerance
for students who are late in sending assignments.
7) How do students respond to the current online learning method?
Response: During the pandemic, some students are happy, maybe because they can play
at home and have more free time, but there are also those who complain and are sad
because the learning and knowledge they get are not optimal.
8) Can online or offline methods improve Indonesian language learning towards
students' assessments, both final assessments and other assessments?
Response: Quite helpful because we teachers can try new things such as sending
learning videos in which there is humor but education, this makes students happy and
not bored in participating in learning activities, and for academic assessments we see
from Minimum Competency Access (AKM) and moral judgments and traits we see from
the collection of assignments.
9) What obstacles do you face when teaching online? Given that technology is being
intensively developed and also increasingly sophisticated if there is one student who is
less able to operate in their gadgets or devices, is there a way from the school to respond
to this?
Response: So we help each student one by one to use their respective gadgets, whenever
they are confused, we immediately provide solutions for use, even we teach until the
evening, and those who do not have gadgets can come to school to pick up learning
Vol. 1, No. 12, pp. 1.526-1.535, December 2021
1.534 http://sostech.greenvest.co.id
10) As an Indonesian teacher, what are your strengths and weaknesses? Feel when this
online learning method is implemented?
Response: The advantage is that we know more about technological developments, for
us teachers maybe in our spare time we can do homework. The advantages for students
may be that some students are happy and easy to accept learning from the material we
provide, because the learning material is not boring. The drawback is that students are
not optimal in receiving lessons and the most important factor is that they are
constrained by internet quotas.
The face-to-face learning system went online all of a sudden, then is also adapted
to this online period so that learning remains effective even though behind it there are
many shortcomings. From the whole method, the researcher can conclude that, the
method that is mostly used by the teacher council is by providing learning materials
through whatsapp groups, using google classroom, and for students who do not
understand or are less capable in the field of technology, they can come directly to the
school. Their respective schools to get direct learning. This is also enforced so that
students continue to receive material during the school period. In addition, the teachers
give tolerance to every student who is late in collecting assignments, because during the
pandemic there are certainly many obstacles and obstacles experienced by students.
However, from all these events, there are certainly benefits that can be felt by teacher
councils, such as teacher councils becoming more technology literate today and getting
new and modern learning models. For students, the benefits that can be felt are certainly
being able to adapt to technology and become wiser in using technology. Thank you to
PNBP Malikussaleh University who has funded this research with Number: 130/PPK-
2/SPK-JL/2021 dated July 15, 2021.
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