Jurnal Sosial dan Teknologi (SOSTECH)
Volume 1, Number 12, December 2021
p-ISSN 2774-5147 ; e-ISSN 2774-5155
How to cite:
Pangemananan Handrie Dunand
and Iskandar Zulkarnain
. (2021). The Influencing Factors of The Changing
Profession of Coconut Farmers to Service Sector Workers in Pakuweru Village Tenga Subdistric. Jurnal Sosial
dan Teknologi (SOSTECH), 1(12): 1.708-1.714
Published by:
Pangemananan Handrie Dunand
and Iskandar Zulkarnain
Faculty of Political and Social Science, Universitas Pembangunan Indonesia Manado
Manajemen Departement Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Sulawesi Utara, Manado, Indonesia
and iskandar[email protected]m
Background: The total area of the village is 600 hectares and the largest part of the land usage
is coconut farming which is 497 hectares, while the rest are roads and rivers.
Research purposes: The purpose of the study is to determine whether the wage of labors, the
term of payment of wages , and the social prestige affect the job shiffting of agricultural workers
to servive sector workers.
Research methods: The research method used in this research is a quantitative approach.
Research results: The result shows that the changing profession from coconut farm workers to
the service workers is determined by 3 (three) factors, that are the wage of labors, the term of
payment wages, and social prestige. These are proved by a signigicant level ( α)=0.05, with the
result obtained in table with dk=98 is 1.984, it means that the regression coefficient is significant
between variable x and variable y , where the value of b=0,92, which means that every increase
of 100 units will cause the incracement 0,92 of Y.
Conclusion: The influence of changing profession of coconut farmers to service workers
determined by three factors that are is the wages factor, the term of paymenet wages, and the
social prestige. These are proved by the result of significant level (α) + 0,05, result obtained is(α)
= 0,05, so the table with dk= 98 is 1.984, this result means that the null hypothesis is rejected.
Means that from the calculation between variable X and Y, where the value of b = 0,92, which
means that every increase of 100 units will cause the incracement 0,92 of Y. Furthermore the
corelation coefficient of 0,86 which is significant, indicates that there is a relationship or linkage
between the wage factor , the term of payment wages , and social prestige towards the changing
profession of farm workers, as well as in the regression analysis. The square of correlation
coeficient ) which is the coeficient of determination amounted to 0,73 =73%. This implies that
the effect of the jobshifting of farmer workers to service workers can be explained by wage
factors, the length of payment day, and and social prestige , amounted to 73%.
Keywords: Shifting Job, Service Workers, Coconut Farmer
Latar belakang: Luas desa adalah 600 hektar dan sebagian besar penggunaan lahan adalah
pertanian kelapa yaitu 497 hektar, sedangkan sisanya adalah jalan dan sungai.
Tujuan penelitian: Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui apakah upah buruh, jangka waktu
pembayaran upah, dan prestise sosial berpengaruh terhadap perpindahan pekerjaan buruh tani ke
buruh sektor jasa.
Tujuan penelitian: Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui apakah upah buruh, jangka
waktu pembayaran upah, dan prestise sosial berpengaruh terhadap perpindahan pekerjaan buruh
tani ke buruh sektor jasa.
Metode penelitian: Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan
Hasil penelitian: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perubahan profesi dari buruh tani kelapa
menjadi buruh jasa ditentukan oleh 3 (tiga) faktor, yaitu upah buruh, jangka waktu pembayaran
upah, dan prestise sosial. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan taraf signifikan ( )=0,05, dengan hasil
yang diperoleh pada tabel dengan dk=98 adalah 1,984. artinya koefisien regresi signifikan antara
variabel x dan variabel y , dimana nilai b=0,92 yang berarti setiap kenaikan 100 satuan akan
menyebabkan kenaikan Y sebesar 0,92.
Kesimpulan: Pengaruh perubahan profesi petani kelapa menjadi pekerja jasa ditentukan oleh
The Influencing Factors of The Changing Profession of
Coconut Farmers to Service Sector Workers in Pakuweru
Village Tenga Subdistric
Pangemananan Handrie Dunand
and Iskandar Zulkarnain
tiga faktor yaitu faktor upah, jangka waktu pembayaran upah, dan prestise sosial. Hal ini
dibuktikan dengan hasil taraf signifikan (α) + 0,05, diperoleh hasil (α) = 0,05, sehingga tabel
dengan dk= 98 adalah 1,984, hal ini berarti hipotesis nol ditolak. Artinya dari hasil perhitungan
antara variabel X dan Y, dimana nilai b = 0,92 yang artinya setiap kenaikan 100 satuan akan
menyebabkan kenaikan Y sebesar 0,92. Selanjutnya koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,86 yang
signifikan , menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan atau keterkaitan antara faktor pengupahan,
jangka waktu pembayaran upah, dan prestise sosial terhadap perubahan profesi buruh tani, serta
dalam analisis regresi. Kuadrat koefisien korelasi ) yang merupakan koefisien determinasi
adalah sebesar 0,73 = 73%. Hal ini menyiratkan bahwa pengaruh perpindahan kerja dari buruh
tani ke buruh tani dapat dijelaskan oleh faktor upah, lamanya hari pembayaran, dan dan prestise
sosial, sebesar 73%.
Kata kunci: Pergeseran Pekerjaan, Pekerja Jasa, Petani Kelapa
Diterima: 26-11-2021; Direvisi: 29-11-2021; Disetujui: 15-12-2021
If this number relates to coconut production, then we will get 250,49 tons of copra
in one harvest season. One harvest season 3 (three) months or 4 (four) times in a year. If
we calculate the amount of income in one season, the calculation can start from one (1)
coconut tree produces 30 coconuts, then each hectare consists of 120-125 coconut trees,
then if we take the minimum amount in one hectare, the each hectare will produces 30x
120=3600 coconuts. So that from 347,9 hectares of coconut farming land will produce
3600x 347,9 =1.252.440 coconuts
If each ton of copra requires 5000 coconuts, it will get the result 1.252.440 : 5000
=250,49 tons. If this amount is converted to rupiah, then every one ton of copra will be
worth 9-10 million rupiahs., then by taking the lowest price, the result is 250,49 x Rp.
9000000 = Rp.2.254.410.000.
The amount of Rp. 2.254.410.000 is not a small number as an incomeof a village,
because if the profit obtained is 2:1, it means that there is 1.502.800.000 rupiahs for the
owner of the farming, while 751.400.000 rupiahs is for the workers. The result obtained
is not only huge enough for an area with a population of 1893 people or 585 households
(source of village, 2021), but also this sector needs alot of human resources as the labors.
Because every 1(one) ton of copra can be done by 30 workers, if the production of
pakuweru village is 250,49 tons, then the workers required is 250,49 x 30 = 7515 workers
in 3 harvest season., or or 2505 workers every month or 100,2 workers everydays (25
workdays every month, Sundays are not counted)
The amount presented above define the great role of agricultural sector in the life
of people in pakuweru village, esspecially in therms of their human resources. This
process has actually lasted for a long time, which indicates that it always been a
promising sector for the workers (including the owners and the workers), this is because,
by working in this sector, their income can be used, not only to build houses, but also to
finance the education of the children.
This job sector also in different ways has its own role, because the farm working
can b be a considerable thing for a person when he wants to get married, where the man
who has permanent job in this sector might be considered as a man who is worthy of
marriage. Therefore work in the coconut farming sector is a dream of every farmers, they
are very proud with this job. This sector became one of the promising superior job for the
people of pakuweru village, even many workers come outside of the village tried to work
in this sector. But after all this time, the coconut farming sector which is the superior job
of the workers, gradualy change in which the workers of this sector begin to leave their
job and choose the other job that is asssumed as a job that can give more benefit as the
Vol. 1, No. 12, pp. 1.708-1.714, December 2021
1.710 http://sostech.greenvest.co.id
result of this, the coconut farming sector is neglected due to the lack of workers. And the
impact is the harvest that should be done every 3 (three) months has changed into every 6
months, moreover, it can be done after 12 months later.
From the problem mentioned above, it is a necessary to find out what causes
people to shift the job from the coconut sectorto sevice sector, which is the cause of the
lack of human resources or workers in the coconut farming sector which will cause the
lowest level of the output of the coconut farming sector. There are several things found in
this observation that the possibility of this is caused by the low of the payment of labors
in agricultural sector. Because of that, people try to work as service providers, in this case
as motorcycle taxy driver or usually called “ojek”, where the payment received is higher.
Another thing that might be a problem is the worker in service sector can get paid
directly (working today, get paid today). This is different with the agricultural workers,
where the workers usually get paid in one or two weeks after the works done.
Another possibilities is the workers left the agricultural sector becasue of the social
prectige. They assume that working in this sector is less prestigious, because in servive
sector, the worker can look more atractive by wearing shoes, and use mobile phone, while
in agricultural sector, the workers have to work harder, and rely on physical strength, for
example, climbing the coconut trees, collect the coconuts, remove the coconut from it
shells, do the fumigation process (fufu) to produce copras. And the process takes 1-2
weeks during the day and the night. Purpose study to find out “ whether the payment, the
term of the payment wages, and social prestige influence on the changing profession from
agricultural sector to service sector.
The population that become the object of this research is all of the coconut farmers
who live in pakuweru village, tenga subdistrict that shiffted the profession from the
agricultural workers to service workers. The data obtained from the chairman of ojek base
in pakuweru village, that until the beginning of 2021, motorcycle taxi drivers in this area
amounted to 176 people. Purposive sampling is acceptable kind of sampling for special
situations. It uses the judgement of an expert in selecting cases with specific purpose in
mind, so the samples taken 100 respondents.
The Measurement method of variable X and Y had been done by using the
measurement scale of Likert, the purpose is to measure the attitude, opinion and
perception or individual or group about the incident or social phenomenon. Furthermore
to find out the influence of variable X and Y, the analysis technique used in this study
was done by using linear regression analysis technique. The formula is : Ŷ = a + bX.
Based on result of the data processing, the result has been obtained by using linear
regression analysis, with the following details:
N = 100 = 111870
∑X = 3338 = 116428
∑Y = 3404 ∑XY = 114037
So the result of the linear regression is
Y = a + bX
Where the formula can be elaborated
a = and b =
The Influencing Factors of The Changing Profession of
Coconut Farmers to Service Sector Workers in Pakuweru
Village Tenga Subdistric
Pangemananan Handrie Dunand
and Iskandar Zulkarnain
Where the result value of a = 3,35 the value of b = o,92 and the regression result
shows the value of a and b toward Y is
Y = 3,35 + 0,92 X
The average squared deviation around the regression has been calculated
beforehand, and each variable is as follows:
= 4, 52
= 3,03
= 0,80
From the result of the analysis, we can also see that whether the result of
regression evaluation is strong enough? So that, it is necessary to evaluate the
significance of the regression coefficient, because the regression coefission, greatly affect
the the estimated value of b.
To evaluation of hypothesis, basic deviation of standard error regression
coefficient has been calculated , that is = 0,063.
Alternative Hypothesis
1. There is an affect of the changing profession from the coconut farmers to servive
workers in Pakuweru village
2. There is a deceisive determinant of the effect of changing profession from coconut
farmers to servoce workers.
Null Hypothesis
1. There is no effect of the changing profession from coconut farmers to service
workers in Pakuweru village
2. There is no deceisive determinant of the efect of changing profession from coconut
farmers to service workers.
Furthermore, calculation of the value of t regression coefficient b, with formula
as followed:
t = ( b β ) / σ
= ( 0.92 0 ) / 0. 063
= 14, 603
The result of dk = n-2, dk = 100-2 = 98. With the significant level () = 0,05. The
result obtained is = 0,095, so the table with dk= 98 is 1.984, the result means the null
hypothesis is rejected. It means that from this calculation regression coeficient is
significance, so there is a significant relationship between variable X and Y, where the
value of b =0,92 is not only because of random factors.
So it can be concluded that the alternative hypothesis which tells that : “there is an
effect of the changing profession from coconut farmers to service workers in Pakuwon
village”, has been accepted and proved.
Furtyhermore the result of regreesion analysis is continued by using corelation
analysis. This is because the evaluate whether the value of x and y have a very significant
relation or not. Because the value of corelation squared is corelation coefficient of
regression line. By using the corelation formula:
r =
= = = 0,7359735974
Vol. 1, No. 12, pp. 1.708-1.714, December 2021
1.712 http://sostech.greenvest.co.id
Jadi, r = = 0,86
After calculate the relationship between variable X dan Y, the result of r = 0,86.
Coefficient of determination is
= 0,73 it means that 73% of variation in Y can be
explained by X. This means that based on coefficient of determination, the the alternative
hypothesis thay says : there is a convincing determinant of the efect of the changing
profession from coconut farmers to service workers in pakuweru village” is proven,
while the remaining of 27% is determined by other factors. This result if compared to the
interpretation table that the value of r counted from
can be consulted with the
following table.
The table of the interpretation of the value of r
Table 1. Interpretation of the Value of r
Not Corelated
0,01 0,20
0,21 0,40
0,41 0,60
0,61 0,80
0,81 0,90
For the magnitude of determination of coefficient obtained of 73% means that a
significant correlation between coconut farmers to service workers is 73%, determined
by the level of profession changing, is enough.
While the result of the study also found that that the magnitude the determinant
of the influce of the changing profession from coconut farmers to service workers in
pakuweru village is 0,73 or 73%. It means that the coconut farmers change their
profession to be service workers is really determined by the factor of the wage labors, the
lenghth of receiving wages, and social prestige is equal to 73%. While the remaining 27%
is determined by the other factors outside this study.
Based on the result of rsesarch above, it can be concluded that the influence of
changing profession of coconut farmers to service workers determined by three factors
that are the wages factor, the term of paymenet wages, and the social prestige. These are
proved by the result of significant level (α) + 0,05, result obtained is(α) = 0,05, so the
table with dk= 98 is 1.984, this result means that the null hypothesis is rejected. Means
that from the calculation between variable X and Y, where the value of b = 0,92, which
means that every increase of 100 units will cause the incracement 0,92 of Y. Furthermore
the correlation coeficient of 0,86 and also significant, shows that there is a relation or
linkage between the wages factor, the term of payment wages and social prestige on the
changing profession of the coconut farmers, as in regression analysis. The square of
correlation coefficient which is a coefficientof determination of 0,73 = 73%. This
implies that the effect of the changing profession of coconut farmers to service workers
can be explained by the wages factor, the term of payment wage and social prestige is
The Influencing Factors of The Changing Profession of
Coconut Farmers to Service Sector Workers in Pakuweru
Village Tenga Subdistric
Pangemananan Handrie Dunand
and Iskandar Zulkarnain
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Vol. 1, No. 12, pp. 1.708-1.714, December 2021
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