Adek Irwanda, Nanda Triandita, HilkaYuliani
Adek Irwanda
, Nanda Triandita
and HilkaYuliani
Teuku Umar University, Indonesia
rahuladekirw[email protected],
nandatriandita@utu.ac.id dan
April 28
May 11
May 15
Smoking is a method of cooking, flavoring, or preserving food, especially fish meat.
The smoking of catfish in Pasie Pinang Village is still done in the traditional way.
Smoking is done with coconut fiber, wood and sawdust as fuel, smoked fish is smoked
with heat and the smoke from the fuel produces a distinctive taste and aroma in fish
products and the color becomes golden and brownish. The purpose of this study was
to determine the water content of smoked catfish in Pasie Pinang Village and to
determine people's preferences for smoked catfish in Pasie Pinang Village. The
panelists used in this research were 35 people consisting of students from the
University of Teuku Umar. The results showed that the water content of the three
smoked catfish samples varied. Organoleptic test (n=35) in terms of color, taste,
aroma, texture and overall, from the three samples tested, the fanelis preferred smoked
catfish in sample three. The traditional smoking of smoked fish still has a good value
on consumer acceptance.
Keywords: smoked catfish, water content analysis, sensory organoleptic analysis
Jurnal Sosial dan Teknologi (SOSTECH)
Volume 2, Number 5, Mei 2022
p-ISSN 2774-5147 ; e-ISSN 2774-5155
Adek Irwanda, Nanda Triandita, HilkaYuliani
e-ISSN 2774-5155
p-ISSN 2774-5147
Catfish contains protein and is also rich in phosphorus and high calcium. If you consume
catfish, it can help meet phosphorus and calcium in the body. Its main function is to maintain health
and strengthen bones and teeth (Jevtić et al., 2015). At the same time reduce the risk of osteoporosis
(a condition when bone density decreases).
One of the fisheries commodities favored by the Indonesian people is catfish. This is because
the taste of fish meat has a very distinctive taste characteristic (Junianingsih et al., 2014). In order to
create products and people's preferences for fish, it is necessary to diversify the processing of fish
with the application of appropriate, easy and inexpensive technology, so as to produce products that
have good nutritional value and are liked by the community such as smoked catfish (Banović et al.,
Smoked fish is one of the superior products produced from the fisheries sector. One of the
villages that produce smoked fish in Aceh Province, West Aceh Regency, Meureubo District is Pasie
Pinang Village. The choice of smoked fish as a superior product in the village is because smoked
fish is one of the popular traditional products in Indonesia and the raw materials are easily available
in the village (Shohibul et al., 2019).
The majority of the residents of Pasie Pinang Village are pond farmers who produce fish,
even fish from the ponds in the village are the main side dishes for the villagers (Teo, 2019). There
are many fishing activities in Pasie Pinang Village, even those fishing activities become work or
income (Ismail et al., 2013). Fish are not only obtained through the process of fishing in rivers, but
in Pasie Pinang Village, Mereubo District, West Aceh Regency, using land that was originally a rice
field for farming by residents, most of which have been used as ponds for catfish cultivation.
According to residents in Pasie Pinang Village, farming is not effective because the village is next
to a river. They can be worried when the rain causes flooding, so that the innovation of paddy fields
is used as a fish pond (Bin Ibrahim, 2018). This has resulted in most of the Pasie Pinang Village
area, which was originally rice fields, now has become a place for catfish cultivation.
The fish pond harvest in Pasie Pinang Village was previously 100% sold by villagers directly
to agents who came to the village and to restaurants around West Aceh. Villagers have never sold
their own fish to the market or processed it into other foods. These fish (especially catfish) can be
processed into various forms of varied and productive food. Therefore, the residents of Pasie Pinang
village process catfish into salai fish (smoked fish) and catfish jerky so that they become varied and
productive food.
The development of catfish that has been carried out in Pasie Pinang Village, Mereubo District
does not only cover the cultivation aspect, but has been developed for the processing aspect. The
people of Pasie Pinang Village generally process catfish by smoking or better known as salai fish
(Looi et al., 2016). Smoked fish is fresh fish that is treated with weeding, washing with or without
soaking in a salt solution, draining, with or without spices and hot smoking which is carried out in a
smoking room using wood, coir, or coconut shells (BSN, 2013). According to Rahmad Wahyudi
(owner of the smoked fish production site), catfish processed into smoked fish in Pasie Pinang
Village averages 40-60 kg/day and will produce 13-20 kg/day smoked fish.
The process of producing smoked catfish in Pasie Pinang Village includes weeding, washing
and draining the fish, smoking, packaging, and direct marketing to the market or through orders. The
smoked fish production process still uses simple equipment and traditional smokehouses. The use
of this traditional smokehouse is considered inefficient because in addition to the limited production
capacity, the smoking temperature is not optimal and inconsistent due to the spread of smoke, which
consumes a lot of fuel.
Smoked fish in Pasie Pinang village has not been tested in a laboratory, therefore the authors
took the initiative to test the water content and organoleptic tests on smoked catfish in Pasie Pinang
Village. Moisture test is one of the chemical laboratory test methods that is very important in the
food industry to determine the quality and resistance of food to damage that may occur. The purpose
of this research is to determine the community's preference for smoked catfish and to determine the
Adek Irwanda, Nanda Triandita, HilkaYuliani
e-ISSN 2774-5155
p-ISSN 2774-5147
water content of smoked catfish in Pasie Pinang village. accepted by suppliers both conventional
stores and modern retail.
This research was conducted at the Organoleptics Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture,
Teuku Umar University. This research was conducted in December 2021 February 2022. The study
used three (3) samples of smoked catfish (Pangasius pangasius) taken from the smoking place of
catfish in Pasie Pinang Village. Sampling was carried out in different productions with an interval
of 1 week. The stages of processing smoked fish (Pokdakan business) start from the preparation of
raw materials where the raw materials are taken from the catfish culture pond in Pasie Pinang village,
then the fish enter the weeding and washing stage, the fish are cleaned of scales and stomach dirt on
the fish and then the fish washed until clean of dirt and blood that sticks, the fish is then cut into
small pieces to facilitate and speed up the smoking time then the fish is put in the spices and soaked
for 30 minutes - 1 hour, the fish is then ready to be smoked. Then enter the cooling stage, cooling is
done by placing the fish in an open space and then the smoked fish is ready to be packed with PE
(Polyethylene) plastic and brought to the organoleptic laboratory, Teuku Umar University for
analysis of water content and organoleptic testing (color). smell, texture, taste and overall
acceptability). This study uses two test parameters, namely, water content test and sensory analysis
(Borges et al., 2019). The tools used for water content analysis are porcelain cup, desiccator, oven
and analytical balance (Kumalasari et al., 2021). for the pen organoleptic test, the score sheet
(scoring sheet) is a small plate.
A. Water content
Moisture content is a very important parameter in determining the quality of smoked
fish produced(Samuel Ayofemi Olalekan Adeyeye, 2019). Low or high moisture content of
smoked fish will affect consumer preference for smoked fish(Berhimpon et al., 2018). The
results of the analysis of the water content in smoked catfish can be seen in table 1.
Table 1. Water content of smoked catfish in Pasie Pinang Village
Smoke Time
content %
7 hours
23,11% ± 0,01
9 hours
22,53% ± 0,01
11 hours
17,15% ± 0,01
Based on the gravimetric method with three repetitions, it is known that the average value of
the water content of the three samples can be seen in the table above. The test results show that the
average value of water content in the first sample (one) is 23.11 percent, while the second sample
Adek Irwanda, Nanda Triandita, HilkaYuliani
e-ISSN 2774-5155
p-ISSN 2774-5147
has an average water content of 22.53 percent, and the third sample is the sample with the smallest
water content of 17.15 percent.
Marassebesy (2011), states that heat can cause the water content to decrease, also the smoke
component that settles on fish during smoking is antibacterial so that it affects the amount of bacterial
growth in the fish smoking process. The length of smoking, the thickness of the fish meat and the
type of wood used will affect the moisture content of smoked fish (S A O Adeyeye & Oyewole,
2016). Differences in sample preparation before smoking will also affect the moisture content of
smoked fish. Some processors add salt before smoking the fish and it will affect the water content
of the final smoked fish product (Mardiah & Fitria, 2018). Salt can absorb food water (hygroscopic)
so that it can reduce the water content and water activity (Aw) of foodstuffs.
According to Saparinto (2010), factors that affect the quality of smoked fish include reduced
water content to below 40%, the presence of compounds in wood smoke that can inhibit the growth
of spoilage bacteria and the occurrence of protein coagulation on the surface of the fish which results
in stronger binding tissue. and compact so it is resistant to bacterial attack.
The standard value of smoked fish water content based on SNI (2013) is a maximum of 60%.
The results of this study indicate that smoked catfish products in Pasie Pinang Village are still within
the standard limits determined by NSI, namely the water content value produced by the average of
the three samples is 16.94%.
B. Organoleptic test (n=35)
Smoked fish is popular because it has a distinctive, savory smell, specific flavor and odor and
an attractive color from golden yellow to glossy brown (Adawiyah, 2007). Winarno (2009), states
that visual value involves more of the sense of sight and is one of the indicators to determine whether
food is accepted or not by consumers, because quality food (tastes good, nutritious, and has good
texture) is not necessarily liked by consumers if it looks good. These foodstuffs have an unsightly
appearance to consumers
Organoleptic test is a test process that is usually carried out by humans using the five senses,
namely the eyes, nose, mouth, hands and ears (Abdullah, 2000). This method is used to assess the
level of consumer preference for a product. The panelists used may be individuals who have certain
expertise or a group of people who have expertise on a product.
Sensory assessment techniques are starting to develop and are used to assess a new
product/product development before it is marketed. Sensory assessment has an important role in
sales and marketing, research and development, quality control and production activities (Abdullah,
2000). Organoleptic test of smoked fish products is a method to assess the panelists' preference for
smoked fish. Smoked fish is a traditional processed product that is very often found in the
community, which is processed traditionally using an oven and a heat source that comes from
burning wood. Smoked fish has high protein (Huda et al. 2010) so it can be used as a source of
protein for the community.
1. Color
Table. 2. Comparison of panelists' liking for smoked catfish colors with different
smoking times
Smoked Patin
7 hours of smoking
± 1,33
Smoking 9 hours
± 0,85
Smoking 11 hours
± 0,73
Note: The sample with the same notation means that there is no significant difference
at the 0.05 alpha level, based on the results of the Duncan . test.
1 = very dislike
2 = do not like
3 = kinda like
Adek Irwanda, Nanda Triandita, HilkaYuliani
e-ISSN 2774-5155
p-ISSN 2774-5147
4 = like
5 = kinda like
The results of data analysis in table 1 state that there is no panelist liking for the color of
smoked catfish between sample 1 and sample 2, and it is known that there is a significant difference
between the panelists' liking for sample 1, sample 2 and sample 3. the time of smoking catfish, the
higher the level of the panelists' liking for the color.
The color of smoked fish is influenced by the length of smoking and the type of wood used.
According to Skaljac et al. (2018) smoking can give an attractive color, good taste, and aroma to
food. Smoking can also act as a preservative, antimicrobial (phenols and formaldehyde) and
antioxidants (Alçiçek et al., 2010). The reaction between carbonyl compounds and proteins will play
a role in the formation of color on the surface of smoked fish (Isamu et al., 2012). From the samples
taken, generally the panelists liked the color of smoked fish with an average value of 3.6.
2. Aroma
Table. 3. Comparison of panelists' liking for the smell of smoked catfish with
different smoking times
Patin Asap
Pengasapan 7 jam
± 0,89
Pengasapan 9 jam
± 0,88
Pengasapan 11 jam
± 1,08
Note: The sample with the same notation means that there is no significant difference
at the 0.05 alpha level, based on the results of the Duncan . test.
The processed smoked fish has a distinctive aroma that is the main attraction for individuals.
The results of the organoleptic test in table 3 above concluded that the aroma that the panelists
preferred the most was the smell of smoked catfish in sample 1, but there was no significant
difference in the level of preference of the panelists based on the aroma indicator between sample 1
and sample 2. smoked starch fish aroma occurred in sample 1 and sample 2 with sample 3.
The aroma and odor of smoked fish is caused by the phenol content in the smoke (Alçiçek et
al., 2010). According to Zachara et al. (2017) the components present in smoke give a specific odor
that cannot be achieved in foods produced with smoke flavors. Chemical components in smoke will
stick to the skin of the fish and enter the flesh of the fish so that it will affect the distinctive odor of
smoked fish meat (Alçiçek et al., 2010; Isamu et al., 2012). From the observed samples, generally
the panelists gave a good response to the smell of smoked catfish samples with an average value of
3. Texture
Table. 4. Comparison of panelists' preference for smoked catfish texture with
different smoking times
Smoked Patin
7 hours of smoking
± 0,98
Smoking 9 hours
± 1,08
Smoking 11 hours
± 1,03
Note: The sample with the same notation means that there is no significant difference
at the 0.05 alpha level, based on the results of the Duncan . test.
Adek Irwanda, Nanda Triandita, HilkaYuliani
e-ISSN 2774-5155
p-ISSN 2774-5147
Based on the results of data analysis in table 4, the texture indicator of smoked catfish that
the panelists liked the most was the texture of catfish in sample 3 and there was no significant
difference in the level of preference of panelists on the texture of smoked catfish in sample 2 and
sample 3. The difference in the level of preference of panelists on the texture of smoked catfish
occurred in sample 1 and sample 2.
Texture value is influenced by smoking time and thickness of fish meat. According to
Sigurgisladottir et al. (2001) and Adeyeye et al. (2016) smoking will change the texture of a product
so that it becomes harder or dry. The water content released during smoking will affect the texture
of the fish meat and the level of consumer preference. Patin fish has a thicker meat so it becomes
tougher after smoking. This is different from Catfish, Baung and Sembilang. Sari et al. Texture is
one of the main sensory characteristics in most food products (Bozkurt & Bayram, 2006).
4. Flavor
Table. 5. Comparison of the panelists' liking for the taste of smoked catfish with
different smoking times
Smoked Patin
7 hours of smoking
± 1,03
Smoking 9 hours
± 1,13
Smoking 11 hours
± 1,16
Note: The sample with the same notation means that there is no significant difference
at the 0.05 alpha level, based on the results of the Duncan . test.
Based on table 5 above, it is explained that there is no difference in the preference of the
panelists from the taste indicators in sample 2 and sample 3, and there is a significant difference
between the liking of the panelists in sample 2 and sample 3 and the preference of the panelists in
sample 1. Based on the taste indicator of the sample the most preferred by the panelists is sample 2,
with the average response of the panelists on the indicator of 3.71 on a hedonic scale.
The smoking method and the type of wood used will affect the taste of smoked fish (Essumang
et al., 2013). According to Alçiçek et al. (2010) smoking gives a specific taste to fish meat. Treatment
before smoking, such as salting, will also affect the taste of smoked fish. In addition, the curing
process will also affect the taste of smoked fish products. The delicious taste of smoked fish is also
influenced by various volatile compounds that are absorbed into the fish flesh. According to Isamu
et al. (2012) differences in fuel sources will affect the organoleptic test of smoked catfish. From the
observed samples, generally the panelists liked the taste of smoked catfish samples with an average
value of 3.4.
The taste of smoked fish greatly affects the chemical components of the smoke. The difference
in taste values in smoked catfish is thought to be due to a reaction between the smoked component
(phenol) and the acid that reacts with the fat in the catfish meat. This is in accordance with the
opinion of Lawrie (2003), the taste given by smoke varies, the same smoke can produce a different
taste with differences in fat in fish meat.
5. Overall rating
Based on the results of the study, the average organoleptic value of catfish can be seen in the
graph below.
Adek Irwanda, Nanda Triandita, HilkaYuliani
e-ISSN 2774-5155
p-ISSN 2774-5147
Graph 1. Comparison of Panelists' Likes of Smoked Catfish with Different Levels of Smoking Time Based
on Color, Taste, Aroma and Texture Indicators
The results of data processing on the comparison of the panelists' overall liking (Overall) in
graph 1 above can be concluded that overall the most preferred sample by panelists both from the
indicators of color, taste, aroma and texture is sample 3, which means the longer the smoking time
is carried out. in the processing of smoked catfish, the higher the panelists' liking for the color, taste,
aroma and texture of smoked catfish processed.
Analysis of the water content of 3 samples of smoked catfish taken from 3 times of
production in Pasie Pinang Village resulted in the following average values: sample one
with smoking for 7 hours produced 23.11%, sample two with smoking for 9 hours produced
22.53 % and sample three with smoking for 11 hours resulted in an average value of 17.15%.
The results of this study indicate that the water content of smoked catfish in Pasie Pinang
Village is still within the SNI limit where the Standard Value of smoked fish water content
based on SNI (2013) is a maximum of 60%. The results of the organoleptic test can be
concluded that overall the most preferred sample by panelists both from the indicators of
color, taste, aroma and texture is sample 3 with smoking of 11 hours, which means that the
longer the smoking time is carried out in the processing of smoked catfish, the higher the
taste. panelists on the color, taste, aroma and texture of smoked catfish.
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