Haliza Rahma Alifia, Arif Hartono
a) Product Quality has a positive effect on Purchase Intention
Based on the results of data analysis that led to the CFA SEM test, product quality has
a positive and significant effect on purchase intention, and the results of H1 were
accepted. It means the higher the quality of the product, the higher the user's interest in
buying the product. The results of this study are consistent with the previous studies by
So et al. (2015) which shows that consumers' perceived quality also has strong influence
to increase consumer purchase intention.
b) Service Quality has a positive effect on Purchase Intention
Based on the results of data analysis that led to the CFA SEM test, service quality has
a negative and no significant effect on purchase intention, and the results of H2 are not
accepted. Therefore, poor service quality will reduce the company’s performance, so that
it affects consumer buying interest. The results of this study are not in line with the
previous studies by Dapas et al. (2019) which shows that purchase intention is positively
influenced by service quality.
c) Price has a positive effect on Purchase Intention
Based on the results of data analysis that led to the CFA SEM test, price has a positive
and significant effect on purchase intention, and the results of H3 were accepted. That is,
if the price offered is in accordance with the consumer’s expectations, the consumer will
buy the product. The results of this study are consistent with the previous studies by
Victor et al. (2018) which shows that purchasing a product at the lowest price (showing
the highest value) certainly increases the consumer’s satisfaction.
d) Familiarity has a positive effect on Purchase Intention
Based on the results of data analysis that led to the CFA SEM test, familiarity has a
positive and significant effect on purchase intention, and the results of H4 were accepted.
Therefore, products that are already familiar will be easily recognized by consumers, so
that it can also increase consumer buying interest. The results of this study are consistent
with the previous studies by Azam and Aldehayyat (2018) which shows that well-known
brands provide better memory and decrease levels of perceived risk, which can increase
attitude and purchase intention toward brands.
e) Reputation has a positive effect on Purchase Intention
Based on the results of data analysis that led to the CFA SEM test, reputation has a
positive and significant effect on purchase intention, and the results of H5 were accepted.
Therefore, a good reputation for the seller will greatly affect the buyer’s purchase
intention. The results of this study are consistent with the previous studies by Zhen et al.
(2021) which shows that consumers may be aware of online reputation sellers. They also
revealed that perceived reputation has a high correlation with online purchase intention.
f) Application Quality has a positive effect on Purchase Intention
Based on the results of data analysis that led to the CFA SEM test, application quality
has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention, and the results of H6 were
accepted. Therefore, the higher level of application quality, will lead to the increase of
purchase intention. The results of this study are consistent with the previous studies by
Chen (2013) which shows that the quality of mobile shopping plays an important role in
influencing purchase intention and organizational performance.
g) Product Quality, Service Quality, Price, Familiarity, Reputation, and Application Quality
have a positive effect on Purchase Intention
Based on the results of data analysis that led to the CFA SEM test, product quality,
service quality, price, familiarity, reputation, and application quality have a positive and
significant effect on purchase intention, and the results of H7 are accepted. It shows that
good reputation, service quality, varying price, ease of using application, and product
quality greatly influence consumer buying intention. The results of this study are
consistent with the previous study by Yulisetiarini et al. (2017) which stated that