Rendra Trisyanto Surya, Syafrizal Ikram, Murhaban
Audit it Process Po-01 Academic Information System Higher Education
Polyteknik Using the Cobit Framework
e-ISSN 2774-5155
p-ISSN 2774-5147
because it has not been fully documented separately based on indicators and DCO so that it is easily
adapted to changes (Lennings et al., 2003).
Polytechnic Vocational Colleges in Indonesia, still separate SIAk from the strategic objectives
of the organization. Which means that the IT Plan for SIAK is only a complement (supporter). There
is a strong desire (Awareness) to make SIAk an enabler, due to the increasing existence of the E-
Learning System and anticipating the increasing dependence of Higher Education on IT (Mendes,
Nationally, the results of this study are expected to provide a more detailed and
comprehensive picture of how Information Technology Governance, especially the IT Plan for
Academic Information Systems in various campuses. However, to obtain more comprehensive results,
the sample data needs to be expanded to include clusters of Vocational Higher Education in other
cities in Indonesia. Another limitation of this research is that it is recommended to include public
universities outside of polytechnics (both public and private), so that the results of this study can
describe the condition of IT Governance for the IT Plan for SIAk which more comprehensively
describes the situation of academic information systems in Indonesia, not only polytechnics.
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