2. Economic Analysis
The Sentani Airport has a significant effect on shophouses rental prices. Shophouses with
location close to Sentani Airport has rental price more expensive then those far from airport. The
distance of a shophouse location is getting further from Sentani Airport by 1 meter unit will reduce
the rental price of shophouses by average 110 rupiah (ceteris paribus). The distance elasticity of
shophouse rental price is inelastic (Yung et al., 2014). Shophouse retal value does not change greatly
in respose to change in distance of the shophouse to Sentani Airport.
In the Sentani Airport and area surrounding it, front road width, building size, and building
frontage has no significant effect on shophouse rental price. Road access width does not affect on
rental price of shophouses. Variation of shophouses building size and frontage does not affect its
rental price.
The Sentani International Airport statistically has significant effect on shophouse rental price.
Shophouses lacated close to airport has higher rental price than those located far from airport.
Shophouse location is getting further from Sentani Airport by 1 meter will reduce its rental price by
average 110 rupiah (ceteris paribus). Elasticity of shophouse rental price is inelastic in respose to change
in distance to airport. Front road width of shophouse access, shophouse building size, and shophouse
building frontage statistically does not have significant effect on the shophouse rental price.
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