Moh Saironi
Madrasah Aliyah Nahdlotul Ulama Banat Kudus, Jawa Tengah
Think more creatively and innovatively in dealing with problems and sites will not be possessed without
extensive knowledge. This is one of the demands on all students to be able to think more creatively. the
character of curiosity to be observed. The character of curiosity that will be instilled so that students have
a strong self-curiosity, strength, and do not give up easily. Curiosity needs to be instilled in students
through a fun approach so that students do not feel bored. Here, teachers as educators must be more
creative in finding ideas to choose the right approach in developing students' curiosity. Many teachers are
found using an expository model, where the teacher explains the material, provides examples and practice
questions so that students are trained to do questions such as mechanics or machines. In addition, the
assessment carried out emphasizes more on the final assessment and pays less attention to the process, so
that mathematics learning is less meaningful; Prioritizing memorization over understanding. The purpose
of this study is to examine whether learning with an Ethnomathematics-based Open Ended approach can
improve students' creative thinking ability and curiosity in mathematics. Based on the above problems,
an appropriate learning approach is needed that can bridge these problems, namely learning with an
Ethnomathematics-based Open Ended Learning approach, where students are given the flexibility to
answer their abilities to find and develop their own knowledge. The steps begin with the awarding of a
problem sourced from culture and end with analyzing and evaluating the problem-solving process. Thus,
learning with an Open Ended Learning approach based on Ethnomathematics, will have a very high
contribution to students' mathematical creative thinking ability and the character of students' curiosity in
mathematics learning.
Keywords : creative thinking, curiosity character, open ended learning, ethnomathematics
In facing the era of globalization, which is accompanied by the very rapid development of science
and technology, education is faced with challenges that require it to be able to produce human resources
(HR) that can meet global demands (Dacholfany, 2015). Because education is a forum for activities that
strive to build society and national character on an ongoing basis, namely fostering mental, rational,
intellectual and personality in order to form a complete human being. Therefore, education needs to
receive intensive attention, handling and priority from the government, society and education
administrators (Nashihin, 2019).
Education is something that absolutely must be addressed by the Indonesian people if they want
to improve the quality of human resources. One of the government's efforts to improve the quality of
education is to improve the curriculum. In 2006, the Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) was
implemented in the education system in Indonesia. KTSP is an operational curriculum that is prepared,
developed, and implemented by each educational unit that is ready and able to develop it in accordance
with the potential of the school or region, the characteristics of the school or region, the socio-culture
of the local community, and the characteristics of students. (Fadhli, 2017).
According to law number 20 of 2003 education is a conscious and planned effort to create a
learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have
religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed
by them. society, nation and state. Education is a very basic need for people's lives, both national and
international communities. People are now starting to realize the importance of education for their
Jurnal Sosial dan Teknologi (SOSTECH)
Volume 2, Number 11, November 2022
p-ISSN 2774-5147 ; e-ISSN 2774-5155
Pembelajaran Dengan Pendekatan Open Ended Berba sis
Etnomatematika Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif,
Karakter Rasa Ingin Tahu
children. This public awareness must of course be balanced with an increase in the professionalism of
a teacher. Increasing professionalism includes the knowledge and skills of teachers in carrying out
learning activities in schools.
Education plays a major role in efforts to create and strengthen understanding of diversity. The
law regarding the implementation of education in Indonesia has been stipulated. National Education
System Law No. 20 of 2003 article 4 paragraph 1 explains that "Education is carried out in a democratic
and fair and discriminatory manner by upholding human rights, religious values, cultural values, and
national pluralism.
According (Yusnadi, 2013) In the context of building a multicultural society, besides playing a
role in improving the quality of the nation so that it is commensurate, standing on an equal footing with
other nations, education also plays a role in providing glue between various differences between cultural
communities or groups of people who have different cultural backgrounds.
On the other hand, there are still many opinions from the public who say that our education is
considered lacking in character and has not been able to produce quality citizens, both academic
achievement and good behavior. The emphasis on learning is still focused on mastering the material,
while character education is "less attention". This can be seen when students are about to face the
National Examination given additional hours with the hope of passing all of them, by obtaining high
National Examination scores that have not touched character education as a support for student
achievement. In fact, if learning is carried out by implementing character education, it will produce
intelligent and conscientious people.
On the other hand, there are still many opinions from the public who say that our education is
considered lacking in character and has not been able to produce quality citizens, both academic
achievement and good behavior. The emphasis on learning is still focused on mastering the material,
while character education is "less attention". This can be seen when students are about to face the
National Examination given additional hours with the hope of passing all of them, by obtaining high
National Examination scores that have not touched character education as a support for student
achievement. In fact, if learning is carried out by implementing character education, it will produce
intelligent and conscientious people (Muchtar & Suryani, 2019)
To carry out character education requires creativity in developing mechanisms that include
educational models and methodologies (Suprayitno & Wahyudi, 2020). Therefore, here, we will raise
the issue of learning Mathematics which emphasizes one student character, namely the character of
curiosity based on local culture.
In this study, the character of curiosity will be observed. The character of curiosity will be
instilled so that students have a strong, strong self-curiosity and do not give up easily. Curiosity needs
to be instilled in students through a fun approach so students don't feel bored. Here, the teacher as an
educator must be more creative in finding ideas to choose the right approach in developing students'
Many students at every level of education consider mathematics as a difficult subject and often
cause complex problems to solve, resulting in low student learning outcomes. Errors that are made are
not only sourced from the lack of ability of students, but there are factors that also determine the success
of students in learning mathematics, namely learning that is tailored to the needs of students. In order
for learning outcomes to work well, it is necessary to have the right method or strategy in the learning
process carried out by students and teachers (Saironi & Sukestiyarno, 2017).
This happens because in general students have not been able to think creatively well what they
have learned so that it is very influential on students' mathematical creative thinking abilities. The low
ability of students to solve math problems is caused by the low ability of students to think creatively.
This is because many schools still use the expository method which is carried out continuously so that
the learning outcomes obtained by students are not maximized.
With the above problems, new learning strategies are needed that involve more students.
Learning strategies that are able to make students work together and encourage students to think
creatively and explore their abilities independently. To solve this problem, it is necessary to have an
appropriate learning approach so that students can understand mathematical concepts well and are able
to develop mathematical creative thinking abilities optimally. One appropriate learning approach to
Pembelajaran Dengan Pendekatan Open Ended Berba sis
Etnomatematika Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif,
Karakter Rasa Ingin Tahu
overcome this problem is the Open Ended approach. The Open Ended Approach is an open learning
activity or often known as Open Ended Learning (OEL) is a learning process in which the goals and
desires of individuals/students are built and achieved openly, Hannafin, Hall, Land, & Hill.
From this description, the author will examine whether learning with an Ethnomatematics-based
Open Ended approach can improve students' creative thinking skills and curiosity in mathematics?
This study uses a systematic literature review or also called a literature review. The method used
for data collection techniques is conducting studies identifying, reviewing, evaluating, and interpreting
the available research, literature books, and reports. Researchers carry out reviews and identify journals
systematically and in each process follow the steps that have been determined (Triandini et al., 2019).
In completing this study the researcher collected relevant journal articles. The keywords of this study
are learning outcomes, communication skills, recitation methods and open-ended approaches.
1. Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability
Every human being in essence must always think, but the level of breadth will always be
different. Thinking more creatively and innovatively in dealing with problems and situations will
not be possessed without extensive knowledge. This is one of the demands of all students to be able
to think more creatively.
Thinking more creatively will not be born suddenly without ability. High curiosity and
followed by skills in reading. As expressed by Porter and Hernacki that "a creative person always
has a sense of curiosity, wants to try adventure and is intuitive.
Creative thinking means trying to solve a problem by involving all the appearances and facts
of data processing in the brain. There are five creative processes expressed by De Porter and Mike
Hernacki (Uno & Mohamad, 2014) that is :
1. Preparation, defining the problem, goal or challenge;
2. Incubation, digesting facts and processing them in the mind;
3. Illumination, pressing to the surface, ideas emerge;
4. Verification, ascertain whether the solution actually solves the problem;
5. Application, take steps to follow up on the solution.
The creative process certainly cannot be carried out without the knowledge that can be
obtained through reading, language, and other aspects. Therefore, a student is required to be able to
develop and train his mindset to be more creative. This shows that the student process has completed
a learning process and thought development properly and proves that the learning strategy he has
chosen can and is successful.
2. Karakter
In (KBBI, 2019) the term "character" means Wyne's psychological, moral or ethical qualities
in (Aqib, 2010) The word character comes from Greek which means "to mark" and focuses on how
to apply the value of kindness in the form of action or behavior. So the term character is closely
related to a person's personality, where a person can be called a person of character if his behavior
is in accordance with moral rules.
In the book "Cultural Education and National Character" Balitbang Puskur 2010 national
character education is defined as: education that develops cultural values and national character in
students so that they have these values in their own lives, as members of society and citizens who
religious, nationalist, productive, and creative (Aqib, 2010).
According to Thomas Lickona in (Sutarna, 2016) Character is the nature of a person in
responding to situations morally. This nature is manifested in concrete actions through good
behavior, honesty, responsibility, respect for others and other noble characters. The understanding
put forward by Lickona is similar to what was expressed by Aristotle, that character is closely related
to "habit" or habits that are continuously carried out. Furthermore, Lickona emphasizes three things
in educating character, which are formulated beautifully: knowing, loving, and acting the good.
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Etnomatematika Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif,
Karakter Rasa Ingin Tahu
According to the success of character education begins with understanding good character, loving
it, and implementing or exemplifying that good character.
According to Suyanto (Sutarna, 2016) Character is a way of thinking and behaving that is
characteristic of each individual to live and work together, both within the family, community, nation
and state. Individuals with good character are individuals who can make decisions and are ready to
take responsibility for any consequences of the decisions they make.
Table 1 Values and Descriptions of National Character Education Values
Obedient attitude and behavior in carrying out religious teachings. Those he
adheres to are tolerant of other religious practices and live in harmony with
followers of other religions.
Behavior based on efforts to make oneself a person who can always be trusted in
words, actions, and work.
Sikap dan tindakan yang menghargai perbedaan agama, suku, etnis, pendapat,
sikap, dan tindakan orang lain yang berbeda dari dirinya.
Actions that show orderly behavior and comply with various rules and regulations
Hard work
Behavior that shows genuine effort in overcoming various learning and
assignment obstacles, and completing assignments as well as possible.
Think and do something to produce new ways or results from something you
already have
Attitudes and behaviors that are not easy to depend on others in completing tasks
Ways of thinking, behaving, and acting that value the rights and obligations of
himself and others.
an action that always seeks to find out more deeply and broadly than something
it learns, sees, and hears
Spirit of
A way of thinking, acting and having insight that places the interests of the nation
and state above self and group interests
Love of the
Ways of thinking, behaving, and acting that show loyalty, concern, and high
appreciation for the nation's language, physical, social, cultural, economic, and
political environment
3. Couriosty Character
In this study, the character of curiosity will be observed. The character of curiosity will be
instilled so that students have a strong, strong self-curiosity and do not give up easily. Curiosity
needs to be instilled in students through a fun approach so students don't feel bored. Here, the teacher
as an educator must be more creative in finding ideas to choose the right approach in developing
students' curiosity.
The standard content of mathematics subjects contained in Permendiknas no. 22 of 2006 states
that the purpose of mathematics subjects is that students have the ability to understand mathematical
concepts, use reasoning, solve problems, communicate ideas, and have an attitude of appreciating
the usefulness of mathematics in life. If all of the learning objectives in the KTSP curriculum are
truly embodied in learning, it is certain that Indonesian students will not experience difficulties in
solving PISA or TIMSS oriented questions.
In this study, the character of curiosity will be observed. The character of curiosity will be
instilled so that students have strong, strong self-confidence, and not easily follow other people
whose level of truth is not certain. According to the Ministry of Education, curiosity is an attitude
that shows understanding of one's abilities and self-esteem values. Curiosity needs to be instilled in
students through a fun approach so students don't feel bored. Here the teacher as an educator must
be more creative in finding ideas to choose the right approach in developing students' curiosity.
According (Waningsih, 2020) revealed that curiosity is an extraordinary power. Curiosity is
like a reactor that generates all the energy in a person to achieve success. As the next generation of
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Etnomatematika Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif,
Karakter Rasa Ingin Tahu
the nation, it is very important to instill curiosity in students so that they grow into individuals who
are able to develop their potential.
Personal characteristics of someone who has an attitude of curiosity include :
a. It's not easy to experience despair. A person who is curious will always be enthusiastic about
taking action, has determination, is diligent and never gives up.
b. Can appreciate and his own efforts
c. Prioritize your own business and not depend on other people.
d. Dare to express your opinion. Someone who has an attitude of curiosity, one of which is the
courage to express his opinion in front of many people.
e. Responsibility with his duties. A person who is curious will always have responsibility for
himself, namely always doing what is his duty in carrying out an action.
f. Have aspirations to achieve success. The nature of curiosity is only possessed by people who are
passionate about fighting and have a strong will, trying and realizing their dreams to become
g. Easy to communicate and help others.
4. Open Ended Learning Approch
The flow of constructivism, views that knowledge is actively built by individuals and places
more emphasis on student-centered learning. The purpose of learning based on this view is to build
understanding, so that learning in this view is not emphasized to acquire a lot of knowledge, but the
main thing is to provide interpretation through the schemata that students have. One of the learning
approaches that is part of constructivism learning is an open-ended approach in which learning is
presented with a problem that has a variety of solutions or methods of solving it. The application of
the open-ended approach in the learning process of mathematics requires teachers to increase their
mathematical knowledge.
The open-ended approach with diversity in completion or settlement methods mentioned
above, provides flexibility for students to express answers. Through presentations and discussions
of alternative solutions, this approach makes students aware of the existence of various methods of
solving. In the end it is hoped that there will be an increase in students' mathematical capacity in
solving mathematical problems. The reality in the field is that there are obstacles in the process of
developing students' mathematical reasoning and problem solving abilities (Mansur et al., 2008).
This is because it does not make reasoning and problem solving the basis for understanding. The
process of learning mathematics at school is more dominated by the doing aspect than the thinking
aspect. This means that it has more to do with the problem of manipulative skills than the problem
solving process which emphasizes matters relating to the questions 'why is that' and 'what are the
implications, so that students' understanding is limited to rote memorization.
Open learning or what is often known by the term (Team et al., 2021) is a learning process in
which the goals and desires of individuals / students are built and achieved openly. Not only
objectives, OEL can also refer to ways to achieve the learning objectives themselves, Hannafi, Hall,
Land, & Hill (Huda & Pembelajaran, 2014) There are several assumptions underlying this OEL.
Are as follows :
a. Context and experience are important things to understand: learning will be most effective if it
involves rich and concrete experiences with which students can discover, shape, and change their
theories practically in the field.
b. Understanding must be individually mediated: Siawa assesses what, when, and how learning
c. Improving cognitive processes is often more important than creating learning products. For this
reason, an open ended environment needs to be designed to support high-level cognitive skills,
such as identifying and manipulating variables, interpreting data, hypotheses, and
experimentation. The process of scientific research is valued more than obtaining the scientific
'truth' itself.
d. Understanding is more valuable than knowing: An open-ended learning environment must
immerse students in experiences that enhance their understanding through exploration,
manipulation, and opportunities to 'understand' ideas rather than direct teaching.
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Etnomatematika Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif,
Karakter Rasa Ingin Tahu
e. Qualitatively different learning processes often require qualitatively different methods: OEL
focuses on problem-solving skills in authentic contexts and provides opportunities for exploration
and theory building. OEL syntax can be done with :
a) Presenting the problem;
b) designing learning;
c) Observe and record student responses;
d) Guiding and directing students; and
e) Draw conclusions.
According (Huda & Pembelajaran, 2014) The steps that need to be taken by teachers in OEL
(Open Ended Learning) are :
a. Facing students with open problems by emphasizing how students arrive at a solution.
b. Guiding students to find patterns in constructing their own problems.
c. Let students solve problems with various solutions and various answers.
d. Ask students to present their findings.
The components of OEL can be divided in the following ways, according to Hannafin, Hall,
Lan, and Hil (Huda & Pembelajaran, 2014) :
a. Context built externally, introduced externally, or created individually
b. Source static and dynamic.
c. Strategy processing, searching, collecting, organizing, and creating.
d. Scaffolding- konseptual, metakognitif, dan strategis.
5. Etnomatematika
The term ethnomathematics, hereinafter referred to as ethnomathematics, was introduced by
D'Ambrosio, a Brazilian mathematician in 1977. The definition of ethnomathematics according to
D'Ambrosio is :
The prefix ethno is today accepted as a very broad term that refersto the socialcultural context
and therefore includes language, jargon, and codes of behavior, myths, and symbols. The derivation
of mathema is difficult, but tends to mean to explain, to know, to understand, and to do activities
such as ciphering, measuring, classifying, inferring, and modeling. The suffix tics is derived from
techné, and has the same root as technique (Rosa & Orey, 2011).
Linguistically, the prefix "ethno" is defined as something very broad that refers to the socio-
cultural context, including language, jargon, code of conduct, myths, and symbols. The basic word
"mathema" tends to mean explaining, knowing, understanding, and carrying out activities such as
coding, measuring, classifying, concluding, and modeling. The suffix "tics" comes from techne, and
means the same as technique. In terms of ethnomathematics is defined as :
"The mathematics which is practiced among identifiable cultural groups such as national tribe
societies, labour groups, children of certain age brackets and professional classes" (d’Ambrosio,
Meaning: “Mathematics is practiced among identifiable cultural groups such as national
societies, tribes, labor groups, children of certain age groups and professional classes " (d’Ambrosio,
1985). The term was then refined to become :
"I have been using the word ethnomathematics as modes, styles, and techniques (tics) of
explanation, of understanding, and of coping with the natural and cultural environment (mathema)
in distinct cultural systems (ethno)" (d’Ambrosio, 1985).
From this definition, ethnomathematics can be interpreted as mathematics practiced by
cultural groups, such as urban and rural communities, labor groups, children of certain age groups,
indigenous peoples, and others. (d’Ambrosio, 1985) states that the purpose of ethnomathematics is
to recognize that there are different ways of doing mathematics taking into account the academic
mathematical knowledge developed by different sectors of society as well as taking into account the
different modes in which different cultures negotiate their mathematical practice (way of grouping,
counting, measuring , designing buildings or tools, playing and others).
6. Etnomatematika dalam Berpikir Kreatif
According Knijnik 1994 (Saputra & Purwanti, 2010) Mathematics is a cultural knowledge
that grows and develops to connect human needs which is known as ethnomathematics. Meanwhile,
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Etnomatematika Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif,
Karakter Rasa Ingin Tahu
according to Andreas Eppink, culture contains the entire notion of social values, social norms,
knowledge, as well as all social, religious, and other structures, in addition to all intellectual and
artistic statements that characterize a society..
Mathematics is a cultural knowledge that grows and develops to connect human needs which
is known as ethnomathematics. Meanwhile, according to Andreas Eppink, culture contains the entire
notion of social values, social norms, knowledge, as well as all social, religious and other structures,
in addition to all intellectual and artistic statements that characterize a society.
7. Ethnomatematics-Based Open Ended Learning Approach
Problem-based learning is student-centered learning (student oriented) which is highly
determined by the students themselves. Learning is controlled by the existence of a problem, learning
starts from a problem to find a solution, and problems are placed in such a way that students feel the
need to gather new knowledge before they solve the problem. By incorporating cultural elements as
the root of learning problems, it will be more interesting, so that Ethnomatematics-based Open
Ended Learning is developed. In ethnomathematics-based Open Ended Learning learning, the steps
begin with giving a problem that originates from culture and ends with analyzing and evaluating the
problem-solving process. The stages of ethnomathematics-based Open Ended Learning learning are
as shown in Table 2
Minister of Education and Culture No. 65 of 2013 concerning process standards, learning
activities consist of three stages, namely introduction, core, and closing.
Table 2 Syntax of Ethnomatematics-based Open Ended Learning Approach
Learning Activity
Step 1
Orient students to problems
from their local cultural
1.1 Learner Orientation by collecting structured assignments of
mathematical material problems with local culture given previously
1.2 Students are encouraged to submit hypotheses/conjectures from
culturally charged material problems with leading questions (asking)
Step 2
Organizing and designing
students to learn
2.1. Through debriefing (asking), student organizations in small
groups (forming networks), are directed to find alternative strategies
to solve the material problems discussed
2.2. Learners are guided to design activities to test the hypotheses
Step 3
3.1 Pay attention, record student responses & individual and group
Step 4 Guiding, directing,
and presenting the work
4.1. Students in groups develop (reason) and present the results of the
Step 5
5.1. Learners are directed to analyze and evaluate the process of
solving problems
Step 6 evaluate processes
solving local culturally
charged problems
The material learned is then given reinforcement in the group
With the guidance of the teacher, students conclude the results of the discussion. The teacher carries
out enrichment activities for students who have achieved completeness and provides remedial for
students who have not achieved completeness
Research modification by using OPL syntax (Huda & Pembelajaran, 2014) combined with
raising problems from the cultural environment of students.
8. Characters love local culture
The character of loving local culture is a national character that needs to be developed in
students. Culture is an aspect that has begun to disappear, even though culture is an important aspect
Pembelajaran Dengan Pendekatan Open Ended Berba sis
Etnomatematika Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif,
Karakter Rasa Ingin Tahu
for knowing the identity of an individual or society. Advances in technology, communication,
information and transportation have led to the rapid entry of foreign cultural influences into
Indonesia. In this globalization era, it has a negative influence on local culture in Indonesia.
According (Suneki, 2012) The character of loving local culture is a national character that needs to
be developed in students. Culture is an aspect that has begun to disappear, even though culture is an
important aspect for knowing the identity of an individual or society. Advances in technology,
communication, information and transportation have led to the rapid entry of foreign cultural
influences into Indonesia. In this globalization era, it has a negative influence on local culture in
The selection of learning strategies to be used in the learning process must be oriented towards
the learning objectives to be achieved. In addition, it must be adjusted to the type of material, the
characteristics of students, the conditions in which the learning process will take place. There are
various learning methods and techniques that will be used by teachers, but not all of them are equally
effective in achieving learning objectives. For this reason, teacher activity is needed in choosing
learning strategies. The obligation as an educator, is not only to transfer knowledge, but also to change
the behavior and character of students and provide positive encouragement, so that students are
motivated to provide a pleasant learning atmosphere so that they can develop as much as possible. To
get maximum results from the educational process, of course, creative and innovative thinking is
needed. Innovation in the learning process is needed to increase achievement towards the maximum
and produce students who are innovative, have the ability to think creatively, have a high curiosity
character. This innovation can be carried out using several learning approaches, learning strategies, and
learning methods, including in this study discussing the problem of local culture-based or
Ethnomatematics Open Ended learning approaches
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