e. Qualitatively different learning processes often require qualitatively different methods: OEL
focuses on problem-solving skills in authentic contexts and provides opportunities for exploration
and theory building. OEL syntax can be done with :
a) Presenting the problem;
b) designing learning;
c) Observe and record student responses;
d) Guiding and directing students; and
e) Draw conclusions.
According (Huda & Pembelajaran, 2014) The steps that need to be taken by teachers in OEL
(Open Ended Learning) are :
a. Facing students with open problems by emphasizing how students arrive at a solution.
b. Guiding students to find patterns in constructing their own problems.
c. Let students solve problems with various solutions and various answers.
d. Ask students to present their findings.
The components of OEL can be divided in the following ways, according to Hannafin, Hall,
Lan, and Hil (Huda & Pembelajaran, 2014) :
a. Context – built externally, introduced externally, or created individually
b. Source – static and dynamic.
c. Strategy – processing, searching, collecting, organizing, and creating.
d. Scaffolding- konseptual, metakognitif, dan strategis.
5. Etnomatematika
The term ethnomathematics, hereinafter referred to as ethnomathematics, was introduced by
D'Ambrosio, a Brazilian mathematician in 1977. The definition of ethnomathematics according to
D'Ambrosio is :
The prefix ethno is today accepted as a very broad term that refersto the socialcultural context
and therefore includes language, jargon, and codes of behavior, myths, and symbols. The derivation
of mathema is difficult, but tends to mean to explain, to know, to understand, and to do activities
such as ciphering, measuring, classifying, inferring, and modeling. The suffix tics is derived from
techné, and has the same root as technique (Rosa & Orey, 2011).
Linguistically, the prefix "ethno" is defined as something very broad that refers to the socio-
cultural context, including language, jargon, code of conduct, myths, and symbols. The basic word
"mathema" tends to mean explaining, knowing, understanding, and carrying out activities such as
coding, measuring, classifying, concluding, and modeling. The suffix "tics" comes from techne, and
means the same as technique. In terms of ethnomathematics is defined as :
"The mathematics which is practiced among identifiable cultural groups such as national tribe
societies, labour groups, children of certain age brackets and professional classes" (d’Ambrosio,
Meaning: “Mathematics is practiced among identifiable cultural groups such as national
societies, tribes, labor groups, children of certain age groups and professional classes " (d’Ambrosio,
1985). The term was then refined to become :
"I have been using the word ethnomathematics as modes, styles, and techniques (tics) of
explanation, of understanding, and of coping with the natural and cultural environment (mathema)
in distinct cultural systems (ethno)" (d’Ambrosio, 1985).
From this definition, ethnomathematics can be interpreted as mathematics practiced by
cultural groups, such as urban and rural communities, labor groups, children of certain age groups,
indigenous peoples, and others. (d’Ambrosio, 1985) states that the purpose of ethnomathematics is
to recognize that there are different ways of doing mathematics taking into account the academic
mathematical knowledge developed by different sectors of society as well as taking into account the
different modes in which different cultures negotiate their mathematical practice (way of grouping,
counting, measuring , designing buildings or tools, playing and others).
6. Etnomatematika dalam Berpikir Kreatif
According Knijnik 1994 (Saputra & Purwanti, 2010) Mathematics is a cultural knowledge
that grows and develops to connect human needs which is known as ethnomathematics. Meanwhile,