Moh Saironi, Busiri A H
Moh Saironi, Busiri A H
Kantor Kemenag, Kudus, Indonesia
In essence, every human being must always communicate, but the level of breadth of
communication will always be different. Communicating that is more meaningful is
determined by the level of one's thinking ability. Thinking more creatively and innovatively in
dealing with problems and situations will not be possessed without extensive knowledge. The
goal of mathematics is that students have the ability to understand mathematical concepts, use
reasoning, solve problems, communicate ideas, and have an attitude of appreciating the
usefulness of mathematics in life. This study used techniques and methods of systematic
literature review or also known as literature review. The method used for data collection
techniques is conducting a literature study, then identifying, studying, evaluating, and
interpreting the available research, literature books, and reports. As a result of the maximum
educational process, teacher activity is needed in choosing learning strategies. The obligation
as an educator, is not only to transfer knowledge, but also to change the behavior and
character of students and provide positive encouragement, so that students are motivated to
provide a pleasant learning atmosphere so that they can develop as much as possible. The
conclusion is that the selection of learning strategies to be used in the learning process must
be oriented towards the learning objectives to be achieved. In addition, it must be adjusted to
the type of material, the characteristics of students, the conditions in which the learning
process will take place.
Keywords: Mathematical Communication Skills, Curiosity Character, 4K Learning Model.
In the era of globalization, which is accompanied by the development of science
and technology that is very advanced and rapid, education is faced with challenges
that are able to produce human resources (HR) that can meet global demands. Because
education is a forum for activities that strive to build society and the character of the
nation on an ongoing basis, namely fostering mentality, ratio, intellectual and
personality in order to form a whole person. Therefore, education needs intensive
attention, handling and priority from the government, the community and education
Education is something absolute that must be addressed by the Indonesian
people if they want to improve the quality of Human Resources (Silverius, 2010).One
of the government's efforts in order to improve the quality of education, namely by
improving the curriculum (Fadhli, 2017). In 2006, the Education Unit Level
Curriculum (KTSP) began to be implemented in the education system in Indonesia.
KTSP is an operational curriculum that is prepared, developed, and implemented by
each educational unit that is ready and able to develop it in accordance with the
potential of the school or region, the characteristics of the school or region, the socio-
culture of the local community, and the characteristics of students.
Jurnal Sosial dan Teknologi (SOSTECH)
Volume 3 , Number 1 , Januari 2023
p-ISSN 2774-5147 ; e-ISSN 2774-5155
Moh Saironi, Busiri A H
Improve The Character Of Curiosity
e-ISSN 2774-5155
According to law number 20 of 2003, education is a conscious and planned
effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively
develop their potential to have religious spiritual power, self-control, personality,
intelligence, noble character, and skills needed for themselves, society, nation, and
Education is a very basic need for people's lives, both nationally and
internationally. People are now beginning to realize the importance of education for
their children. This public awareness must certainly be balanced with an increase in
the professionalism of a teacher. Professional improvement includes the knowledge
and skills of teachers in carrying out learning activities in schools / madrasahs.
There is a big role for education, in creating and strengthening understanding of
diversity. The law on the implementation of education in Indonesia has been stated, in
the National Education System Law No. 20 of 2003 article 4 paragraph 1 explains that
"Education is held democratically and equitably and is not discriminatory by
upholding human rights, religious values, cultural values, and the plurality of the
nation (Uno & Mohamad, 2022).
History has opened our eyes that the emergence of many destructive cases in the
context of nationalism, for example there were inter-ethnic sentiments, inter-ethnic
and inter-religious disputes, shows that Indonesia's current national character is weak.
This national character must always be maintained and preserved so that it can grow
On the other hand, there are still many perceptions from the public that our
education is considered lacking in character and has not been able to produce quality
citizens, both academic achievement and good behavior. The emphasis on learning is
still focused on mastering the material, while character education is "less attention".
This can be seen when students are going to face the National Examination given
extra hours in the hope that they will all pass.
by obtaining high National Exam scores that have not touched character
education as a support for student achievement. In fact, if learning is carried out with
the application of character education, it will produce intelligent people and have a
noble conscience.
The scope of the national character development targets includes the sphere of
the family, the scope of educational units and the scope of government, the scope of
civil society, the sphere of political society, the sphere of the business world and the
media sphere.
To carry out character education requires creativity in developing mechanisms
that include educational models and methodologies. Therefore, here, we will raise the
issue of learning mathematics which emphasizes one student character, namely the
character of curiosity accompanied by students' communication skills in mathematics.
In this study, the character of curiosity will be observed. The character of
curiosity will be instilled so that students have a strong, strong self-curiosity and do
not give up easily. Curiosity needs to be instilled in students through a fun approach
so students don't feel bored. Here, the teacher as an educator must be more creative in
finding ideas to choose the right approach in developing students' curiosity.
Moh Saironi, Busiri A H
Improve The Character Of Curiosity
e-ISSN 2774-5155
Many students at every level of education consider mathematics as a difficult
subject and often cause complex problems to solve, resulting in low student learning
outcomes. Errors that are made are not only sourced from the lack of ability of
students, but there are factors that also determine the success of students in learning
mathematics, namely learning that is tailored to the needs of students. In order for
learning outcomes to work well, it is necessary to have the right method or strategy in
the learning process carried out by students and teachers.
This happens because in general students have not been able to communicate
more creatively with what they have learned so that it greatly influences the ability to
communicate more creatively in students. The low ability of students to solve math
problems is caused by the low ability of students to communicate more creatively.
This is because many schools/madrasas still use the expository method which is
carried out continuously so that the learning outcomes obtained by students are not
Learning demands in the 2013 Curriculum are to place students as subjects in
learning, not objects. The teacher's task is more as a provider of learning experience
(facilitator). Teachers are no longer positioned as the only source of learning, but only
as one of all learning resources that students can use. Learning in the 2013 curriculum
requires students to be active, starting from localizing the sources of information
needed, sorting and selecting information according to needs, and processing it with
reason and thought in order to obtain the necessary conclusions and decisions
(Masrukan & Susilo, n.d.).
With the problems above, a new learning strategy concept is needed that
involves more students (Marliani, 2015). Learning strategies that are able to make
students work together and encourage students to communicate more creatively and
explore their abilities independently. To solve this problem, it is necessary to have an
appropriate learning approach so that students can understand mathematical concepts
well and are able to develop students' communication skills that are more creative
optimally (Suprijono, 2011). One appropriate learning approach to addressing the
problem is the model 4 learning approach. The 4K learning model is a mathematical
learning model that is charged with character education and creative economy by
utilizing used goods and using performance assessments. The 4K learning model
includes the following criteria: (1) character (charged with character education), (2)
creative (charged with creative economy), (3) conservation (utilization of used goods),
and (4) performance (using performance assessment).
This research uses systematic literature review techniques and methods or also
known as literature review. The method used for data collection techniques is to
conduct literature studies, then identify, review, evaluate, and interpret the research,
literature books, and reports available. Researchers carry out reviews and identify
references to books and journals systematically and in each process follow the steps
that have been set in completing this research researchers collect references to
Moh Saironi, Busiri A H
Improve The Character Of Curiosity
e-ISSN 2774-5155
supporting books as well as relevant journal articles. The keywords of this study are
learning outcomes, communication skills, resitation methods and learning approaches
with a 4K model.
A. Students' Mathematical Communication Skills
The ability to express / convey mathematical ideas to others, both orally and in
writing, is called mathematical communication skills. Mathematical ideas in this case
can be formulas, concepts or strategies for solving a problem. In general,
mathematical communication skills can be divided into two, namely: 1) oral
mathematical communication skills and 2) written mathematical communication
skills. Oral mathematical communication skills can be in the form of listening,
speaking, expressing opinions through discussion, discussing, or exchanging opinions.
Meanwhile, mathematical communication skills in writing can be in the form of
pictures, graphs, tables, equations or writing in the answer to the question.
Mathematical communication skills in this article are the ability of learners to
express their mathematical ideas in writing which is hereinafter referred to as written
mathematical communication skills. Mathematical communication skills in this article
are the ability of learners to express their mathematical ideas in writing which is
hereinafter referred to as written mathematical communication skills.
A. Character
In the Great Dictionary of Indonesian (1995: 445 ), the term " character " means
wyne's psychological, moral or ethical traits in (Aqib et al., 2015) The word character
comes from the Greek meaning " to mark " (mark) and focuses on how to apply the
value of kindness in the form of actions or behaviors. So the term character is closely
related to a person's personality, where a person can be called a person of character if
his behavior is in accordance with moral rules.
In the book "Cultural Education and National Character" Balitbang Puskur 2010
national character education is defined as: education that develops cultural values and
national character in students so that they have these values in their lives, as members
of society and citizens who are religious, nationalist, productive, and creative (Aqib et
al., 2015).
According to Thomas Lickona (in Agus Wibowo, 2012: 32), character is a
natural trait of a person in responding to situations morally. That nature is manifested
in concrete actions through good manners, honesty, responsibility, respect for others
and other noble characters. This notion that Lickona put forward, is similar to what
Aristotle expressed, that the character is closely related to " habit " or habit that is
continuously carried out. Furthermore, Lickona emphasizes three things in educating
the character, which is beautifully formulated : knowing, loving, and acting the good.
According to the success of character education, it begins with an understanding of
good character, loving him, and the execution or exemplification of that good
According to Suyanto (in Agus Wibowo, 2012: 33), character is a way of
Moh Saironi, Busiri A H
Improve The Character Of Curiosity
e-ISSN 2774-5155
thinking and behaving that is the hallmark of each individual to live and work
together, both within the scope of family, society, nation, and state. An individual with
good character is an individual who can make decisions and is ready to account for
any consequences of the decisions he makes.
According to the Ministry of National Education (2010), noble values as the
foundation of the nation's character owned by every tribe in Indonesia, if summarized
include the following:
Table 1 Values and Descriptions and Values of National Character Education
Obedient attitudes and behaviors in carrying out religious
Behavior based on trying to establish himself as a person
who can always be trusted in words, actions and work.
Behavior that is based on trying to establish himself as a
person who can always be trusted in words, actions, and
Attitudes and actions that respect differences in religion,
ethnicity, ethnicity, opinions, attitudes, and actions of
others that are different from himself.
Actions that demonstrate orderly behavior and comply
with various provisions and regulations.
Behavior that demonstrates earnest effort in coping.
Behaviors that show an earnest effort in Thinking and
doing something to produce a new way or result of
something already owned.
Attitudes and behaviors that are not easy depend on others
in solving tasks.
A way of thinking, behaving, and acting that equally
assesses the rights and obligations of himself and others.
Attitudes and actions that always seek to know more
deeply and widely than something he learns, sees, and
Spirit of
A way of thinking, acting, and insightful that puts the
interests of the nation and the state above the interests of
oneself and its group.
Love the
A way of thinking, behaving, and doing that shows
loyalty, care, and high respect for the language, physical,
social, cultural, economic, and political environment of
the nation.
Source: Agus Wibowo,43.
B. Character of Curiosity
In this study , the character of curiosity to be observed. The character of curiosity
that will be instilled so that students have a strong self-curiosity, strength, and do not
give up easily. Curiosity needs to be instilled in students through a fun approach so
Moh Saironi, Busiri A H
Improve The Character Of Curiosity
e-ISSN 2774-5155
that students do not feel bored (Saironi & Sukestiyarno, 2017). Here, teachers as
educators must be more creative in finding ideas to choose the right approach in
developing student curiosity (Kaselin et al., 2013).
The content standards for mathematics subjects contained in permendiknas no.
22 of 2006 state that the purpose of mathematics subjects is that students have the
ability to understand mathematical concepts, use reasoning, solve problems,
communicate ideas, and have an attitude of appreciating the usefulness of
mathematics in life. If the overall learning objectives in the KTSP curriculum are truly
realized in learning, it is certain that Indonesian students will not have difficulty in
solving PISA-oriented or TIMSS-oriented questions (Budiono, 2014).
In this study , the character of curiosity to be observed. The character of curiosity
that will be instilled so that students have a strong, strong self-confidence, and do not
easily follow others whose level of truth is not certain to be true. According to the
Ministry of National Education (2009: 21) curiosity is an attitude that shows
understanding of self-abilities and the value of self-esteem. Curiosity needs to be
instilled in students through a fun approach so that students do not feel bored. Here,
teachers as educators must be more creative in finding ideas to choose the right
approach in developing curiosity.
According to Nurla (2011; 60) expressing that curiosity is an extraordinary force.
Curiosity is like a reactor that awakens all the energy that exists in a person to achieve
success. As the next generation of the nation, curiosity is very important to be instilled
in students so that they grow into figures who are able to develop their potential
(Haryati, 2017).
According to Syaifullah (2000) the personal characteristics of a person who has
an attitude of curiosity are:
1. It is not easy to experience a sense of hopelessness. A person who is curious will
always be enthusiastic in carrying out an action has determination, perseverance
and never gives up.
2. Can appreciate and his own efforts.
3. Prioritizing one's own efforts is independent of others.
4. Dare to express your opinion. Someone who has an attitude of curiosity, one of
which is the courage to express his opinion in front of many people
(Sukestiyarno, 2012).
5. Responsibility with its duties. A curious person always has a responsibility to
himself, that is, always doing what is the task in carrying out an action.
6. Have aspirations to achieve success. The nature of curiosity is only possessed by
people who are passionate about fighting and have a strong will, trying and
realizing their dreams to become reality.
7. Easily communicate and help others.
C. 4K Model Learning Approach
The school of constructivism, views that knowledge is actively constructed by
the individual and puts more emphasis on student-centered learning. The objective of
learning based on this view is to build understanding, so that learning in this view is
Moh Saironi, Busiri A H
Improve The Character Of Curiosity
e-ISSN 2774-5155
not emphasized to acquire a lot of knowledge, but the main thing is to provide
interpretation through the schemata that the student has. One of the learning
approaches that is part of constructivism learning is an open-ended approach in which
a problem is presented that has various solutions or methods of solving it. The
application of the 4K model learning approach, in the process of learning mathematics
requires teachers to improve their mathematical knowledge.
Masrukan & Rochmad (2014) suggest that the 4K learning model is a
mathematics learning model that contains character education and a creative economy
by utilizing used goods and using performance assessments. The 4K learning model
includes the following criteria: (1) character (loaded with character education), (2)
creative (filled with creative economy), (3) conservation (use of used goods), and (4)
performance (using performance assessment). Masrukan et al. (2014) suggested that
the syntax (steps) of the 4K learning model includes 6 phases namely: (1) illustration
of character development, (2) investigation, (3) collaborative exploration, (4) creative
performance, (5) communication, and ( 6) awards (Arifin, 2013).
Galton (in Ruseffendi, 1991) argues that each student has different abilities in
the process of understanding mathematics meaning that from a group of students who
are not specifically selected, there will always be students whose abilities are in the
upper, middle and lower groups, which are spread in a normal distribution. This shows
that there are heterogeneous groups in the level of mathematical ability and the
differences in abilities possessed by these students are not solely innate but can also be
caused by environmental influences (Ruseffendi, 1991). Therefore the selection of
learning approaches must be directed so as to accommodate the heterogeneous
abilities of these students. It is hoped that accuracy in selecting a learning approach
will improve students' mathematical abilities.
Learning with the 4K model approach is a learning process in which the goals
and desires of the individual are built and achieved optimally. Not only learning
objectives with the 4K model approach can also refer to ways to achieve the learning
objectives themselves (Huda, 2013).
There are several assumptions underlying Learning with this 4 K model
approach. Among them are the following :
1. Context and experience are important things to understand: learning will be very
effective if it involves rich and concrete experiences with which students can
discover, shape, and change their theories practically in the field.
2. Understanding must be mediated individually: Students assess what, when, and
how learning occurs.
3. Improving cognitive processes is often more important than creating learning
products. For this reason, the learning environment with the 4K model approach
needs to be designed to support high-level cognitive skills, such as identifying
and manipulating variables, interpreting data, hypotheses, and experimentation.
The process of scientific research is valued more than obtaining the scientific
'truth' itself (Purwanti, 2017).
4. Qualitatively different learning processes often require qualitatively different
methods: Learning with the 4K model approach focuses on problem-solving
Moh Saironi, Busiri A H
Improve The Character Of Curiosity
e-ISSN 2774-5155
skills in authentic contexts and provides opportunities for exploration and theory
Syntax Learning with the 4K model approach can be done by:
1. Serve masalas.
2. Design learning.
3. Observe and record student responses.
4. Guiding and directing students.
5. Make conclusions.
From the results of the research and discussion it can be concluded that the
selection of learning strategies to be used in the learning process must be oriented
towards the learning objectives to be achieved. In addition, it must be adjusted to the
type of material, the characteristics of students, the conditions in which the learning
process will take place.
There are various learning methods and techniques that will be used by teachers,
but not all of them are equally effective in achieving learning objectives. For this
reason, teacher activity is needed in choosing learning strategies. The obligation as an
educator, is not only to transfer knowledge, but also to change the behavior and
character of students and provide positive encouragement, so that students are
motivated to provide a pleasant learning atmosphere so that they can develop as much
as possible.
To get maximum results from the educational process, of course, creative and
innovative thinking is needed. Innovation in the learning process is needed to increase
achievement towards the maximum and produce students who are innovative, have the
ability to communicate effectively and creatively, have a high curiosity character. This
innovation can be carried out using several learning approaches, learning strategies,
and learning methods, including in this study discussing the problem of the 4K model
learning approach.
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