The Influencing Factors of The Changing Profession of Coconut Farmers to Service Sector Workers in Pakuweru Village Tenga Subdistric


  • Iskandar Zulkarnain Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Sulawesi Utara, Manado, Indonesia
  • Pangemananan Handrie Dunand Universitas Pembangunan Indonesia Manado, Indonesia



Shifting Job, Service Workers, Coconut Farmer


Background: The total area of the village is 600 hectares and the largest part of the land usage
is coconut farming which is 497 hectares, while the rest are roads and rivers.
Research purposes: The purpose of the study is to determine whether the wage of labors, the
term of payment of wages , and the social prestige affect the job shiffting of agricultural workers
to servive sector workers.
Research methods: The research method used in this research is a quantitative approach.
Research results: The result shows that the changing profession from coconut farm workers to
the service workers is determined by 3 (three) factors, that are the wage of labors, the term of
payment wages, and social prestige. These are proved by a signigicant level ( α)=0.05, with the
result obtained in table with dk=98 is 1.984, it means that the regression coefficient is significant
between variable x and variable y , where the value of b=0,92, which means that every increase
of 100 units will cause the incracement 0,92 of Y.
Conclusion: The influence of changing profession of coconut farmers to service workers
determined by three factors that are is the wages factor, the term of paymenet wages, and the
social prestige. These are proved by the result of significant level (α) + 0,05, result obtained is(α)
= 0,05, so the table with dk= 98 is 1.984, this result means that the null hypothesis is rejected.
Means that from the calculation between variable X and Y, where the value of b = 0,92, which
means that every increase of 100 units will cause the incracement 0,92 of Y. Furthermore the
corelation coefficient of 0,86 which is significant, indicates that there is a relationship or linkage
between the wage factor , the term of payment wages , and social prestige towards the changing
profession of farm workers, as well as in the regression analysis. The square of correlation
coeficient (π ) which is the coeficient of determination amounted to 0,73 =73%. This implies that
the effect of the jobshifting of farmer workers to service workers can be explained by wage
factors, the length of payment day, and and social prestige , amounted to 73%.




How to Cite

Zulkarnain, I. ., & Handrie Dunand, P. . (2021). The Influencing Factors of The Changing Profession of Coconut Farmers to Service Sector Workers in Pakuweru Village Tenga Subdistric. Jurnal Sosial Teknologi, 1(12), 1708–1714.